Twenty One.

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Ahmad thought he was hearing things but the way the man is staring at him with vivid beseech in his eyes, he knew he heard them right. What the hell! Is this man freaking serious right now about the topic?

"You cannot be serious about this, Sir." Ahmad struggled to keep his eyes trained on the man, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and small.

Musa Babagana furrowed his brows as if afraid and confused of his answer. He's expected something better?

"I'm very serious, ACP." Ahmad didn't react so he perched further on his chair, something he's never done. That position screams asking for help, he never permitted himself to do it until now.

Clearing his throat, Ahmad regarded him with a look of respect knowing the struggle it is taking for him to beg someone not even half his age. "I know you want to help your daughter and save her life, but I'm not the right man for her. She deserves someone better than me."

Musa Babagana shook his head in denial. There is no one better than Ahmad in his eyes. He's always liked the guy but never thought of him as anyone other than his step nephew. What else could he ask for from such a great man? The circumstances is just not having it and if Ahmad would agree to this favor of his, he'd forever be indebted and grateful.

"You are the perfect man for her, trust me. I know what is good for my daughter and what is not. I have so much to say and explain but I cannot do that, I don't have much time now. Just accept this please." That last word left a bitter taste in his mouth. Please? He's forgotten the last time he used that word, it makes no sense now.

"Sir, you are saying this because you don't know what I've been through and what I'm yet to go through. I repeat, I'm not the man for her. What you are seeing or what you've checked is not who I am, I'm far from that great man written. I'm a man filled with bad past and mistakes, you can't begin to imagine what will happen to your daughter if she reunites with me." Ahmad halted, not willing to go further in explaining himself no more.

"Even if you are a murderer, I want you to marry my daughter. Kill her if you want to, but marry her." Musa Babagana knew what he is saying, wants to say it again but drew a line.

Ahmad narrowed his eyes. This man is clearly thinking about doing something Ahmad loathe but he is a descendant of Al-hafiz anyway. "I am not going to marry her, Sir."

"Listen to me. Fatima is my daughter, and she needs to get married as soon as possible. I'm her father but I've never used that role in her life which makes her lonely, I'm not going to tell you why. I cannot stand her! I've tried for the past years but I can't do it, it is hard and painful. I love her, I really do but I can't be by her side for some reasons. She needs that affection and love from someone else and that too her spouse. You might not be able to love her but I know you can come to care about her. As hardheaded as she is, she is also fragile. She is about to shatter mentally and emotionally, I don't want that to happen." He took a deep breath, he's never told anyone about this but he is doing it and it felt good.

"The day before yesterday, Fatima came back home drunk and out of her head." Ahmad didn't know that so his brows came together in concentration. "She has never drank anything before, I know that much but she is mentally tired. She cannot do it anymore. Her strength is gone and the darkness within her is trying to take over her rational side. I don't want that to happen."

Ahmad's head swarm with different scenarios of his own darkness and how he handled them. He was strong to deal with it like a man but Fatima is not strong even with the facade of strong headedness. That darkness is consuming, eating up your whole viscera and then taking out your soul. It can become suicidal, he's felt that too once upon a time.

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