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It is a big day for Ahmad, there are things he needs to do and the day is definitely going to be long. This is the day he gets to be part of Nigeria Police Force. He is going to write certification exams for an hour and then the higher ranked officers will decide whether he should join or not. He is sure he is going to get the job without breaking a sweat, he just needs to go through with it so people won't think he got it because his Aunt's husband is influential and got it for him. He does everything with his own hard work!

He got dressed in simple denim jeans and sky blue button up shirt rolling the sleeves up to his elbows to show his sturdy hands. He wore a classic hi cut sneakers to close his feet before walking out of his room. The room is okay, not like the one back in Texas but just enough for him to live for a bit before he packs up and leave after getting a new home.

The room has a king sized Italian bed,gigantic wardrobe by the left side then vanity table by the right alongside the door that leads to a renovated bathroom. In front is a fireplace and television along with a desk where he has already filled with his stuff. He can't live a day without going through his laptop and he did that again the night before to check if everything is going smoothly back in Texas.

"Ma, can you come out front? I don't want to come in and get lost." He said into the phone, walking slowly to the entrance where a security man showed him. He don't want to enter in case if he bumps into Fatima, his mood will be ruined drastically.

"You won't have breakfast before leaving?" She asked but he could hear the shuffles in the background which means she is coming out.

"No, I'll be late if I stay any longer." With that, he hung up the phone and continue the journey to meet her at the front door. She stood there in her nightwear and a silk blue robe she's always loved atop it, her head closed with a cap while her feet are clasped with navy blue flipflop.

"You should've woken up earlier to have breakfast, you need the energy, young man." She scolded, her hands moving to waist in that akimbo style mothers like doing to intimidate their children. She always does it in that caricature way, it is comical.

"Yeah, I slept late that is why." He answered in a cavalier way. "You should get dressed too because as soon as I'm done with the exams, you'll be called to see me get ranked." He smiled gently at the last part because of the beaming smile she gave him filled with pride.

"I'm so proud of you, you know that right?" She gave him a big hug standing low due to their height difference. He is as tall and built as his father she likes to say all the time, he only rolls his eyes at that knowing she is right, unfortunately.

"I know. Now give me your never ending blessings so I ace the exams."

"Huh, my blessings are always with you, sweetie. Those people will be intimidated by your answer and maybe add the rank higher for you. Who knows?" She moved away and shrugged her shoulders still smiling then adjust his collar.

"Thank you, Ma. I'm going now." He kissed her cheek before walking out of the mansion to the auto car he's asked the security to get for him just few minutes ago.

His Aunt didn't know about him leaving with auto, she would've insisted that he takes one of the cars in the house but he don't want to depend on anyone a lot. He's done enough staying with them even on his mother's insistence. Now's the time to start getting everything himself and also get his own car. He should've done that before they arrived, it slipped his mind.

"Good luck!"

The drive to the police quarters is not long, just twenty minutes away and he is already calling the man he was asked to call. They've emailed him everything he needs to do as soon as he gets there so like the confident person he has always been, he aired inside with his shoulders standing and that presence that commands respect yawed everyone's attention to him. He is always easily picked out from the crowd.

WHATEVER, POLICE OFFICER Where stories live. Discover now