Forty Two.

923 202 52


"Ma'am, we are outside the building." The driver startled the woman out of her reverie and she leaned forward to view what is in front of them, just huge black gates concealing the other side.

Knowing that without a tinge of that whoever Fatima married is a wealthy man, she asked the driver to horn until someone comes out or the door opens, she is getting a bit impatient now. She wants to know the details of Fatima's life and this gate is clearly obstructing her view and perhaps the only obstacle standing between herself and her daughter. It's been long, the yearn is there and so is the love she's always felt for the girl she's held so dear to herself. With the world against her, Fatima will have to worry about nothing but continuing to live. She's got her covered from her own end of the world, no one could stop her.

The gates are not opening but two police officers stepped out from the house and came out to inspect the car. She raise a brow at the audacity but then deflated because there is no doubt she is not in her territory and these people are placed there to ensure the safety of her daughter. Whoever it is her daughter married sure as hell loves her a lot and is without an ounce of doubt rich enough to continue taking care of her from where her father had left off. Two police officers are there to guard her from the outside evil what more could she have asked for apart from that safety and then the immense love she is probably getting for her husband?

Or did Musa Babagana got the guards for them as gift? The man could go to any extent to advertise his wealth but if he really did get them the guards then the house itself is from him. She made a sound of distaste at the back of her throat, she cover that is not the case for the man would be of no regard in her eyes. She'd rather Fatima marry someone worthless and penniless than someone who would collect charity from her father and continue to feed her with her father's money even after she's left his wing. This man should be ready for a thorough interview, she is going yo question him till his knees are weak.

This shouldn't worry her at all and she should be happy Fatima is happily married but how would she not be worried when the safety of her daughter is now in another man's hands and no doubt a stranger too? She will go through and dig whatever it is she needs to to make certain her daughter is rather awfully comfortable in the new life she's embarked on. The journey she was not told about by neither her older brother nor her niece whom she's regarded no less as a daughter. She will deal with them, she yawed her attention back to the stern looking officers.

They are currently talking to her driver and in spite of their loud deep voices, she can't fathom what they are talking about. Maybe they are speaking in that pidgin English? That should be it because with a sharp knife or a pistol placed across her neck, she will never be able to understand that language all Nigerians are now talking with. What is wrong with normal English now? They are ruining their children with such accent that will blow their chances in the better world in the next few years.

"What's going on?" She demanded, leaning a bit closer so they can see that someone is sitting right behind in the owner's corner. Not bragging, the sight of her always makes people do the exact opposite of what they are supposed to and she relished on the idea.

The officers bent down a little and view her through their tinted sunglasses before they removed it, she looks from the affluent and could no doubt ruin their work anytime of the day. They regarded her with guarded expressions as if chancing whether or not to let her in without the permission of their boss. Both being very good at their works bowed down and greeted her with respect. "Good morning, ma'am."

"Morning. Is this where Fatima Babagana lives?" Her words are straightforward and the way both of them looked at one another confirmed her daughter really lives here and that brought a flutter to her chest, she cannot wait to meet Fatima no longer.

WHATEVER, POLICE OFFICER Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora