Forty Five.

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"I'm going without you." Fatima stood up and adjusted her hoodie, went to his mirror in search of a comb and brought her hair to its standing position. She is still breathing hard, it's taking all effort in her not to use her hand to hold her chest, it feels like her heart is about to wrench away from within her.

Ahmad grunted and stood up, he will have to go with her now that he's kissed her like that. All he wants to do is bring her back to the bed, shred away all the articles obstructing his view and have his way. It makes him hate Adda mama all the more, he would've done what he'd wanted had it not being for her presence below the stairs. He adjusted his shirt too, smooth his hair with his hands and followed Fatima out of the room. He knew why she didn't turn around to look at him, they would've tumbled back on the bed.

Adda mama stood up at the sight of them coming down together and knew instantly something had happened between the married couple. She bite back a mischievous smile and gave a polite one. She's going to get back her acting skills because Fatima shouldn't know that she knew Ahmad personally and something unpleasant had intertwined their past. Ahmad also got into his own act, his face nonchalant as he accompanied the ladies to the dining room. His stomach grumbled albeit quietly, Fatima still heard the sound and turn to give him 'I thought you were not hungry' look with flattened lips. He shrugged.

The whole meal was pleasant except that Ahmad made most part of it awkward and maladroit. Fatima can't help thinking that this is not the way Ahmad behaves with older women, something is not right but what couldn't be right? The other Ahmad would've been all over Adda mama trying to woo her with his charms but this one is just sitting there and eating his food without chirping into their conversations. Maybe he isn't feeling too good, she will have to offer more attention to them and see what is happening.

"I'm going to bed now. Good night." He stood up to leave, dragging his chair back a bit only to be stopped by Fatima's warm hand holding his wrist.

He stared down at her with furrowed brows that created a dent between them. "Sit down and have the dessert. You didn't even eat much of the food and you are hungry. Come on, sit down."

Ahmad gave a sigh before sitting down, not missing the way Adda mama's face contorted into look of surprise then mischief. Ahmad scowled at her, she shouldn't get any ideas in her head just because he complied to his wife's wishes. He is also coaxing and cajoling himself into thinking he is doing everything because he wants to bed Fatima again. There is no other reason why he is all over her, that should be the only reason. Something within told him he shouldn't be deceiving himself and there is something brewing between them that the both of them won't like at the end of the day.

He ate the raspberry cheesecake then stood up and leave, this time around no one stopped his escape. He let out another breathy sigh when he fell on the bed, the day's event dropping on his shoulders like bricks of stones. Adda mama here in Nigeria? Adda mama is actually Fatima's aunt? He's stopped trying to find out what is in store for him for the future, he cannot keep track on the things that could go wrong. He will just let whatever to happen, he can't stress over the future no more. He just wants Adda mama out of his home before the sunrises tomorrow. But with so much excitement portrayed by Fatima, that won't happen.

"What a grumpy rude man." Fatima shook her head and scooped another spoonful of the cheesecake he's left in his plate. There is no wasting of food now that she hardly gets better one from Asabe.

Adda mama smiled and continue to close the food with their covers. Ahmad couldn't even behave well around Fatima which makes her feel more guilt gnawing at her stomach. He really hates her so much that her presence alone is suffocating him. But there was no mistaking what she saw in his eyes when Fatima asked him to sit down and eat the dessert she's made. He can never say no to Fatima, that is something she's understood from that slight gesture. Whether he loves her or not, Adda mama doesn't know but there is attraction that ran deep for the both of them.

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