Forty Seven.

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Can we get to 20K today?💃🏿 I was reading yesterday and the whole time I was shaking my head, I mean such a roughhhh draft. Why didn't you guys allow me to edit?🥲 it's so rough tbvh!


Fatima yawned, stirred from her sleep then wake up when she felt a hand tightly around her. When did she fell asleep? Last she remembered, she was in Ahmad's arms as he had his wicked ways with her, her face heat up at the thought. Maybe she was too exhausted after their rendezvous that she fell asleep immediately after, such a weakling, she chided before raising her head to look at his sleeping figure too. Maybe he doesn't want to go to work today? He usually leaves the house before her and to think he is a master in his office while she is a student seeking education.

He looks extremely peaceful with his long lashes draped across his cheekbones, strong nose not crooked in anyway. She stared, completely enchanted and mesmerized by the picture before her eyes. Ahmad is really a handsome man, it won't take anyone long to notice that. She's sure that if someone knows where handsomeness really lies, they'd know from Ahmad's back that he is going to be a handsome fella. It makes her wonder yet again why he is married to her not some other heiress that will willingly be in his arms, do his bidding like any other normal wife would. There are a lot of them out there and she can mention ten on spot.

He could get more fortune in marrying off another woman from a totally different background. Someone that could love him endlessly, stay wrapped around his arms like a leech and move about his circle without having to change herself or be conscious of anything. Warm him up when he is cold and never challenge any word he says, why did he end up with her?

Maybe she doesn't want to know the answer, maybe it'd break her to find out her really is with her for her father's money. So far, she is consoling herself that he is using her father's money for everything because the minute she found out the truth, that there is more to their marriage than meets the eye, Fatima might just do something she'd regret for the rest of her life.

She'd rather stay in her comfort zone and continue to think that her father is flooding his account with cheddar so he could help nurture his daughter. That is something her father would do but she doesn't want to find out, she is not a dog. Why would her father do this to her? She never seem to understand the man and she's stopped trying only once in a while when she can't help overthinking and browsing through her life. Sometimes she just doesn't get why her father and mother will think of her as a murderer and other times, she'd think that there is something they are not telling her and she might never know what that is.

Shaking her head, she stared back at her husband thinking what will be in store for both of them after their marriage became nullified. There is no doubt that is going to happen in the near future, when they are both tired and bored of one another. This spiciness in their relationship is only because they are new to the system, or is Ahmad not? He touches her with air of confidence, as if he's done that a thousand times to another woman, like a master when it comes to art of seduction. Women are known to be seductresses but with Ahmad, she paled in comparison to anything related to bedroom matters. She is the novice there, the newbie.

He will definitely remarry after he divorce her, he won't stay celibate. Or maybe even remarry right before he divorce her, he has the right anyway. Fatima felt a pang on her chest, as if something invisible just knock her off balance and then it disappeared. She furrowed her brows, why does she feel so suffocated suddenly? She is in Ahmad's arms and whether he gets married again to another woman that same day shouldn't worry her as long as he promise to divorce her when they are done with their affair, liaison. He can marry three more and it won't bother her, it's just one man after all. What more could he offer than the others outside can't?

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