Seventy One.

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No comments again? Imma take my thing to okadabooks💆🏾‍♂️


Ahmad sat down on the bed and watched Fatima as she prayed. Two raka'tanul fajr and then fajr itself before saying her taslim, she didn't raise her head to look at him like always to smile. He went to the mosque with his brother in law and father-in-law and just came back. He knew she had woken few hours earlier to go downstairs then came back after a good thirty minutes, he saw them with Rashid and went back to their room to summon sleep. The next day was going to be hectic and from the looks of things, a bad day.

Fatima finished her duas stood up, folded the praying mat along with her hijab and rounded the bed to lie down on her side. Ahmad is now more confused than ever. Why is she giving him cold shoulders and what's happened earlier that morning after she went down? Did Rashid said something he is not supposed to? Confused and perplexed, not ready to let this slip without acknowledging that this is their first serious fight and he is going to act like a bigger person, both his hands reach out for her and sat her up even as she grumble and wriggle away from him.

"I want to sleep." She grunted, lying her head half dead on the headboard and regarded him through squinted eyes. The room is dim lit so the sleep won't leave her eyes. Yeah, too much light demolish any sight of sleep from her eyes, that's how it works for her.

"You don't want to sleep, you are not telling me something and I won't allow you to sleep until you do so. Now start spilling. What's got you moody so early in the morning?" He crossed his arms over his chest, taking the look of a teacher trying to gauge out information from a well known stubborn student.

Fatima watched his reaction in the slightly dark room, the sky above yawing a light shade of flint. She wants to see whether he is guilty or not. She wants to know how her parents were allowed into the house without their permission. There is no way something like this could escape Ahmad, he knows everything, every single thing that goes around anyone close to him talk less of their home! The guards outside are still around and her father cannot bribe them. Their loyalty for Ahmad ran pass that so there is something she is left out on.

Ahmad didn't let his gaze falter, his eyes fixed in hers until she finally spoke? "How were those people permitted into the house while we were away? Don't tell me you don't know about this because you made sure I was not allowed to the gates when I wanted to escape! You knew about this don't you?"

He licked his lower lip, he does not want to go through another fight with Fatima after the ones they've had in the past. He appreciated those far better because they weren't serious, they will just curse one another and get over with it but this, this is serious and he hates how she is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Now how is he supposed to make her understand that she needs to listen to her parents or regret it later in future? He cannot exactly lie to her, that is not his fort but telling her the truth might -sixty eight percent- create a rift between them.

"They called me few days ago to tell me about your brother and what has really happened. I know you would be mad about everything but then, you'll want to know what's been happening with your family when you calm down-" he was cut off by a sneer, an ugly one he's never seen his entire life that too on a pretty face. Someone he's seen too happy just few hours ago.

"You call those wicked people family? Do you know what you are saying? Didn't you hear anything I told you about them? Why would you do this to me? Who told you that you have the right to dictate my life now? Who?-" She pushed at his chest and bend her head to hide the furious wrath bubbling within her. She's sure her eyes are flashing that lighter shade of brown, she's never felt anything like this. It's too much.

WHATEVER, POLICE OFFICER Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat