Twenty two.

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Fatima confirmed that she is hearing things when the other line failed to continue talking. She kept quiet too, thinking she didn't even pick the call and is just imagining the worst thing her father would tell her is her getting married to a boor. She chuckled at her mad though, removed the phone from her ear to see whether it's finished ringing or not. Why would she think worst about her father all the damn time? Well, he didn't give her any reason for anything else.

But what she expected to see on her screen isn't what is right there in front of her which startled her. Seconds we're still counting which means she's been on that call with her father and he's said what she thought he did. Or did he not? She cannot be so sure as the pain might be the main thing jumbling her thoughts and hearing.

To confirm that the pain is actually being something in the ass, she hesitantly place the phone back to her ear and kept quiet. He didn't say anything but she could hear the sounds of shuffling and car honking from the other end of the line. Her brows came together again, willing her mind to stay intact and she shouldn't freak out. It seems like he really said something horrendous.

"Were you saying something?" She tentatively asked even though her pride is chastising her about talking, she cannot help it. Her father won't mind them leaving the phone like that for hours, he has the money for it but she lacks the patience.

Musa Babagana pinched the bridge of his nose. He wanted to tell her once about it and just off his phone till he comes back again to Nigeria but the way she went off after he told her made him stop. She might not be able to accept the fact that she got married to a total stranger that she dislikes.

Earlier that morning, he went to pray in the mosque that is in the mansion when he met Ahmad who regrettable stopped what he was doing to talk to him. There was no one in the mosque when he approached Musa Babagana with a heavy frown on his face. He didn't expect Ahmad to look so glum and sullen when he's expecting the news that he found a good husband for his daughter and he's off the hook.

"Good morning, Sir." He greeted, eyes looking brighter than someone who's just awoken. Or had he just woken up or has been awake the whole time hunting for a man for his daughter?

"Morning, ACP. Is there good news?" He is secretly wishing that there is no good news on another man but good news that his daughter will marry him.

Oh no, he is too straightforward for his liking but what can he do? He is going to leave the country as soon as his daughter is married to ACP Al-hafiz. His private jet is ready at the airport and his pilot is just waiting for his signal before he packs up and leave. Actually, he doesn't need to pack anything when everything he needs will be there for him.

He watched with vigilance at the man's expression, trying to read out whether he's found the man or it is he who found himself.

"There is no good news, Sir. For the first time, I couldn't keep my promise. Seems like what you want will happen but if you will give me more time, I can get that person as soon as possible." Musa. Babagana is already shaking his head at the idea of waiting and giving more time. What wait and what time? He does not have any neither does his daughter.

He didn't shroud away his smile and the naked glint of satisfaction in his eyes. There is no way God would've turned deaf ears to his prayers, his Lord is the greatest. Even He knew that this is the greatest match to ever exist and had to bring them together. He's snagged the best match for his daughter, he is the one for her without a doubt. Any doubt he's had until now had disappeared leaving cool satisfaction in his chest. His daughter will be in good hands or will she not?

WHATEVER, POLICE OFFICER Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora