Twenty Eight.

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Fatima hissed beneath her breath when she awoke right at the time sun began to rise. She slept in the car and didn't even thought about going to the backseat to lie down, she slept on that stiff car seat and another round of neck pain will have her stranded. Looking round for the nth time, she confirmed the nightmare that she is really married to ACP Al-hafiz and she is brought to his house by him the previous day.

She glared at the log cabin in front of her, her gaze frosty like it's going to help her freeze the house. When they first arrived, she wasn't looking neither had she concentrated on the goings around her but when he left the car hours later without coming back to check on her or ask her to come in, Fatima took that time to look at his so called house. She's never seen a log cabin in Nigeria so the fact that that useless boor has it now didn't sit well with her. She is sure he used her father's money or her father bought it for them.

That old man is such a heartless person. Fatima is done with him but there are ways she needs to go through to make sure he is done and over with. He won't have peace now even if he is more than just oceans apart from where she is. Fatima will haunt him down and make him regret his decisions till her last breath. If he likes, he should continue bossing her life around, she will get to him.

She remembered the last message Betsy sent her. "I would've asked you not to do anything tragic but I know you must do it. Just wait until you are fully back on your feet or it backfires and alert me if you need my assistance. I'm at your service."

It makes her appreciate having Betsy by her side every blessed day. The world might be against her but Betsy is always there as her wall and shield, like a mother hen to their children only that Betsy is more of a friend than a mother.

Mother. The sound of the word left a caustic taste to her mouth. At times, she mostly forgets that along with father comes a mother for the woman abandoned her way before she knew what was really going on then. After the murder, she didn't see her mother again except the flashes of some bitter memories she left her with. Fatima had never been the same since the murder and she will never be. How could she be when she was accused of mother? She was forced to know the meaning of the word before anyone her age.

When she went to school back then, she asked her teacher what a murder and murderer means. The teacher was reluctant to tell her about it but then thought, why not? A child heard the word somewhere and probably want to know what it means and that is the main reason she stands as a teacher in front of them. The teacher at that time smiled and sat her down before lecturing her on those words and demand at end of their conversation that she should never use the word for it is too strong for her. Fatima had nodded but the word was stuck to her head ever since till today, now.

Fatima gulped down those horrendous memories and sat straighter in the car, her lips felt dry just like her throat but she won't enter that house if he doesn't invite her. If you are not invited, don't ask and don't go! Not that that is really needed in such situation but a girl with already wounded pride won't want it damaged for no reason. That scratch on his face will only be victory for awhile and then boom, she have nothing against him. But like Betsy had said, she will wait until she gets much better.

She is going to make his life hell too. Didn't he marry her for her father's wealth, she will use that lavishness against him. He agreed to be bought by her father, she will make him regret that purchase with every breath he takes. He doesn't know what he just got himself into, he should wait a little longer.

Just as she was about to recline back with her dead phone in hand, the main door opened and out came none other than ACP Al-hafiz in all his morning glory featuring his new well pressed uniform. She envied his handsomeness and shallow confidence that comes with being who he is. It is as though he's accepted himself thoroughly with the ease he exhibits in everything he does. His perfectness irritates her to no end, he makes her feel too imperfect when beside him. Height to die for, confidence and killer grace.

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