Twenty Seven.

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Before they left the hospital, Dr. Mujida asked to see both Ahmad and Fatima on their way out. Ahmad lead the way to her office while Fatima contemplate behind what she should do to make his life difficult. She's not given up but she is not about to contribute in making his name more glossier than it is. Him carrying her around the hospital will make him look like a caring husband which he isn't. He just wants to show her how powerful he is and that his muscular body is just not there for decoration. She huffed at the thought, the man is a green snake.

"I have certain things I need to discuss with you both, stop standing like bunch of soldiers." Dr. Mujida chided, staring at them both from her relaxed position on her swivel dark chair. Her eyes squinted behind the glasses, she's noticed something different from Ahmad unlike when he came in.

There, she saw the small scratch across his cheek making her eyes widen. She knew where that came from and couldn't stop herself from glaring at Fatima even with amusement bright in her eyes. How could she not find this humoring? The duo are all ready to fight tooth and nail with one another, she can see that and it will make their lives more interesting.

Deciding to tease them a little, she moved closer to the edge of her sit to squint further her eyes on the wound across his cheek. "What happened to your face? I can clearly recall you didn't come in with that scar on your face. Where did you get it from?" She made a perplexed expression that everyone would believe except Ahmad.

He didn't want to answer at first, hoping Fatima will try defending herself but she didn't. She only sat there looking unbothered by whatever it is going around her.

"Just a small scratch." His answer was curt and the look he sent her inculcate the fact that he doesn't wish to talk about it. She chortled quietly then cleared her throat to talk business.

Her attention swerved to Fatima who could only raise a single brow at the focus. "Fatima, I've told you everything you need to know but I would like to repeat it. This marriage is the best option out there for you, because the surgery will completely ruin your life..."

Fatima cut her off with a quelling glare, as if she is sputtering out nonsense and balderdash. "Don't talk to me like that! Don't tell me the surgery would have left me completely ruined. What has ruined my life is this marriage and by God, I'm going to make each of them regret what they've done." She hissed, a vein protruding from her forehead. Ahmad didn't even pivot to look at her, he is drumming his fingers on the table.

Dr. Mujida regarded her with annoyed eyes but continue talking like she hasn't interrupted her. "As I was saying, I want you guys to understand that this marriage is not only meant to look as decoration. It is not a business deal for you to think just because the knot is tied, the business deal could strike, no. You guys must be intimate!"

Ahmad's fingers seized their annoying cacophony sounds on the table and Fatima widened her eyes in a glare that says, you should stop this sort of nonsense or I throttle you in the next second. Even though Ahmad knew about it, he was going to make sure he forgot about it until her next cycle when he will travel and leave the country altogether so no one can ask him to come. He's already planned everything out in his head and will go through it.

"Don't stare at me like that. All married couples get intimate whether arranged or love marriage and you guys must be intimate too. And you know you case is rare Fatima. Only in rare cases is endometriosis found outside the pelvis but that's where your own reside. It is a chronic disease associated with severe, life-impacting pain during periods, sexual intercourse, bowel movements and urination, chronic pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, nausea, fatigue, and sometimes depression, anxiety, and infertility." Dr. Mujida made emphasis on the word infertility so that if Fatima doesn't understand what she's been saying earlier, she should now.

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