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Fatima awoke feelings much better than the day before, the cold still there but slightest shade. She yawned, turn around on the bed to find out that she's ruined the sheets with blood. Her forehead furrowed in frustration because even though she wants to be disgusted by what she's seen, she cannot do it. There is no time of the month that she doesn't spoil one of two of her sheets but Asabe gave her one to be spreading before she sleeps so they can wash it once and for all without ruining expensive bedsheets with her blood.

But this place here is new to her and Asabe is not here, what is she to do? She certainly does not know how to wash anything talk less of bedsheets. And it's going to be embarrassing for Ahmad to see that she's ruined his new mattress just the day she started lying on it. She bit her lower lip thoughtfully trying to find a solution for her current situation. Maybe she should just throw it away and ask for a new one or get it from another room while pretending? Or she can burn it down no matter how expensive and order a new one before it is time for her to sleep again?

Happy with the last guess, she plugged her phone off charger and started typing hastily when she heard the click of her door opening. Her eyes widened in horror thinking it was that nosy police man trying to poke his nose in her business. Instead Betsy walked in with a tray in both hands featuring one of Fatima's many maxi dresses. A smile spread itself across Fatima's lips at the sight of Betsy because she thought it was all a dream and even if it wasn't, she thought Betsy was going to leave and maybe come back later on. She won't have to worry about anything now that Betsy is here.

Fatima stood up and approached her without knowing the reason why she is going to her when Betsy would've arrived at where she is in less than a minute. Maybe she wants to make sure she is seeing Betsy and the cold is not messing with her head? How did she come into the house and where is that boor?

"I thought you left." Fatima whispered, her eyes fixated on what is in the tray Betsy is holding. Ladened there is chicken soup, hot tea that looks awfully like the one Asabe always makes for her and sandwich.

Her stomach growled. God, what she had whole yesterday shouldn't have hold her stomach then she remembered Betsy feeding her something right before she fell asleep but still, she eats a whole lot of food all the time. She likes great food and is in love with perfect Cooks. If she will get food, Fatima will do almost about everything and Betsy is one of those people that know how to cook something by just staring at it. Fatima have no doubt this meal in front of her is superb like the aromatic scent wafting to her knows as she suckled it greedily.

Betsy smiled at Fatima's expression then went ahead to keep the tray on the bedside table. As she stood up after adjusting the tray so it won't fall off, she noticed the stain of blood on the bed and grimaced. Someone would think she's lost her virginity the night before. Betsy chortled at her inner thought, Fatima would strangle her if she knew what she's just thought about. Fatima and Ahmad? Oh Lord, it's like a sight she won't ever be able to see for the rest of her life but as long as he is willing to help Fatima, she has no problem.

He promised to help her yesterday after she cried her eyes out, she didn't know when the tears started gushing off their sluice and when she knelt down in front of him. She loves Fatima a lot, it makes no sense how much she deeply cares about the aloof depleted girl but she does. At first, she thought she was with her because of her fathers wealth but the more she knew Fatima, the more they get connected in an awfully maladroit way. Not that she minded, she wants to be there for the broken lady with tough personality.

"You asked me to stay right before you slip off consciousness. And what is with the blood? What should we do with it?" She's already started removing the bedsheets from the edges of the bed. Fatima stared dumbly at her, she didn't know that was how things happen since Asabe does the work as soon as she leaves for school or when she's in the bathroom taking a bath.

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