Twenty Nine.

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Ahmad decided to choose three best men from the station as guards in his home as the commissioner had asked him to. There is no need having guards when the gates won't open for anyone but him. With Fatima in the house though, he can never be too sure of her smartness as it tends to risen every second. Even with her craziness, he will have to give her the credit of having a very good smart ass brain. Mostly with drama and fury like hers, they tend to lost one thing or the other but she gathered them all.

He pivoted to make his way back to his office when he heard a female voice calling out to him in short breaths. He knew when his attention is needed and when it is meant for someone behind or close to him. Yawing around, he found Fatima's friend, Betsy standing few feet away from him while panting. With furrowed brows deepened in concentration, he moved back to where she is and pass her the bottle of water in his hand which she took gratefully and gulped down a huge quaff.

She wiped her mouth, close the bottle and stood straighter as if she's just gained strength from the water. "This will have to be blunt, there is no time for pleasantries." She licked her pink lips. "Fatima just called me now and said she needed me right there with her. She's never sounded so vulnerable like she did minutes ago when she called me so please allow me there. She said something about the gates not going to open up for me so I thought I should come directly to ask for this huge favor. She's never asked to see me when she is in trouble, please don't make this first time be a disappointment. I don't want her to not rely on me anymore. Please." She folded her two hands in pleading gesture while Ahmad focused on what she's said.

Fatima in trouble? He left her perfectly alright in the car, she was actually ready to insult his head off had he not left her in the car to another one of his. Is this another scheme Fatima is plotting for her own entertainment, because he is not about to join this fun of hers. She might be trying to run away for all he knows but that is the last thing he will allow Fatima to do, run away. Her father wouldn't like that and he won't have his wife running off to another place without his knowledge whether he likes her or not. She is now under his care and he'd be damned before he got proved wrong. He will make sure she knows whom she's dealing with.

He settled his strength on his left foot and surveyed her from head to toe. She does seem in a hurry to reach out to Fatima but it doesn't mean he would believe this charade. With Fatima, he tends to forget that he is a police officer that could read out people's offenses by just looking at them. She has her way of outsmarting him all the time which is unacceptable. At this point though, he neither trusts this woman in front of him nor Fatima.

"How could I trust what you're saying is true? It might be another drama." His voice is smooth, carrying the air of a respectable man with mature brain.

Betsy visibly gulped and blushed remembering what has happened and what his mind is webbing in his head. That forsaken incidence back in the Babagana mansion when she agreed to go through a stupid plot Fatima made. How could she even go through such low standard? What was Fatima thinking when they did that few days ago? On God, she knew Fatima is also regretting what has happened because it is not the sort of game they like to play. They play for more dirty than that which just brought them lower off their standard.

Deciding that that is not important at the moment and knew Fatima is really in trouble, she beseeched. "You don't have to trust me. Just send someone with me or you can come with if you're not busy."

Ahmad gave a thoughtful nod at her suggestion even though he's thought about it before she said anything. "You're right. But unfortunately or rather fortunately, I'm quiet busy right now but I'll send some officers with you."

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