Forty Nine.

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"Hey, babes, you home?" Betsy hollered from the other end of the line as soon as Fatima answered her call.

"Yeah and I don't feel too good too. Can you stop by and get us something? I don't even want to talk to Adda mama." She massaged her throbbing head as she lie comfortably on Ahmad's bed. They are still sharing his room even five days later, Adda mama won't have it any other way and Fatima done have the strength to argue on the matter.

Betsy's voice swarmed with worry. "Did something happen between you two?"

"No, just my usual moodiness." And then hung up the phone, threw it beside her and lie her head on the fluffy pillow that smells of Ahmad.

She smiled as she recalled what has happened after the incidence at the police station. Like Raheeb had predicted, Adda mama gave them both an earful before she decided to make the pizza herself saying it's now a bad omen and they should never eat domino's pizza. Ahmad came back home brooding and didn't eat anything, settle in the room the whole evening and only come down when he needs to go to the mosque. He didn't talk to her and she didn't either. Why would she? It's not like she did anything wrong to him, she was merely defending herself against the everyday mocking that comes from him. She wasn't kidding when she asked him to scold his colleagues, she hopes he does.

When it was time for her to go to sleep, Fatima was reluctant to go to his room but Adda mama declared without a tinge of remorse that she won't allow her to sleep with her in the room and she just go to Ahmad's room. Fatima wore her big girl panties and went to the room, slipped beneath the covers quietly and stared dully at the ceiling because she couldn't fall asleep. Sleep had evaded her, her stomach was filled with nervous butterflies that she didn't know where they came from. Why was she nervous? It's not like he is going to kill her in her sleep? The worst he could do is rape her and that doesn't make any sense since she will willingly surrender herself with just a kiss.

Fatima kept on sighing the whole time, turning from one side to the other till she awoke Ahmad or had he been sleeping? He braced his hand and pull her to his chest in a tight cuddle that will stop her from moving. Fatima had tensed, her spine straight as a bowstring. Her eyes were wide open as she stared into the darkness, his breaths falling slowly on her forehead while his chest rise and fall evenly unlike her own rapid and shallow breaths. Nothing happened for three minutes and Fatima was tired of being tensed so she pushed herself away from him and look up to find his eyes wide open in the dark. It almost startled her, almost if not for her ranging heartbeat in her ears.

He raise a brow which she didn't see in the darkness, she only stared at him in confusion. They were fighting few hours ago, why is he suddenly hugging her and cuddling her up to his chest. Shouldn't they be giving cold shoulders to one another? That is how fights are conducted but why is it different with Ahmad? Is this what being mature is?

Ahmad inclined his head and tilted it to the side then scoop her closer to him and pressured her lips with his. Fatima shuddered visibly, her resolve shattering and thoughts disappeared. She closed her eyes and let him lead the kiss like always, he coaxed her into opening her mouth and she thanked God she took her cardamom tea before she came into the room which will surely leave the taste of mint leaf. She managed to drape one of her legs on his, molded her chest into his as if she wants to enter the same skin as he. He is just so far away, she wants him much closer.

Ahmad closed his eyes and gave a faint, desperate groan. He wanted her. Not merely to bed her, though at the moment that was certainly his uppermost thought, but in other ways as well. He could no longer deny that for the rest of his life, he would measure every other woman against her, and find them all lacking. Her smile, her sharp tongue, her temper, her infectious laugh, her body and spirit, everything about her struck a pleasurable chord in him. She was independent, willful, stubborn, qualities that most men did not desire in a wife. Men always want to be the tyrants of the home but he found it difficult to believe that he'd allow her that tyranny anyway and anytime.

WHATEVER, POLICE OFFICER Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora