Thirty Five.

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"I hate these freaking minions! Why the hell do I have to walk around with them not because I want to? They are just reminding me of how much I hate my housemate!" Fatima's ever proliferating hatred for Ahmad showed briskly on her face before it yawed depleted again.

Betsy pivoted and perused the situation but didn't find anything offensive as the two police officers are minding their business in casual clothing though the first time they came few weeks ago, they wore their uniform to scare everyone away. Betsy won't she she wasn't impressed by Ahmad's audacity. Fatima is the most hot headed person she's ever met but compared to Ahmad self assured moves, she paled in comparison. She keeps fulminating behind his back but Betsy is damn sure she's stopped disturbing his life like she's done before. Making every inch of his life miserable with slow corrosive movements.

This isn't the Fatima she's met at first. That other one wouldn't have lived with the fact that her father forced another man to marry her. She will ruin the man's entire lineage and then disappear from Nigeria to never be traced. Her father actually did a great job in handing her over to someone like Ahmad. Had it been any other man whether more powerful with more money or anything of that sort, Fatima would've forced him to divorce her long ago but with the ACP, there is almost nothing Fatima can do to evade him. He is intelligent, thoroughly connected and heavily armed with anti-Fatima to forestall all her plans till he permits.

It reminded her of what happened few weeks ago when they came back from Nepal. Fatima called her shouting and hauling insult around the whole house making it echo and disturb Ahmad from his peaceful slumber. Even with Fatima's multitude and myriad ways of making someone annoyed and thoroughly irritated, Ahmad hasn't snapped at her yet but Betsy is secretly wishing to see him snap and how Fatima will react to that. Those calm people are not easily irritated but when things don't go their way for long, they'll make things brighter in your eyes that you won't ever want to be on their bad sides. She's seen that part of her mother that left her father shaken for the rest of his days.

"Why are you screaming like a banshee? It's a wonder how you still have you vocals." Betsy had grimaced at the sound of Fatima's insults. On God, that girl can haul out unladylike words that could make anyone's mouth foul and dirty.

"If this man doesn't divorce me, I won't be held responsible for whatever happens to him. I swear to God." And she began to rant about how she's ran away from the country to Nepal only to meet him there that she swore she thought he was a ghost following her around because he became her incubus.

Betsy had to stop herself from laughing out loud at the scene displayed in her head. Fatima being speechless and Ahmad standing all mysterious in leather jacket looking like a total rug ready to take her down. Fatima admitted to being terrified when she saw him, her heartbeat escalating to a certain degree that she thought she might just get a heart attack. And then he dragged her back to Nigeria the very next day without her enjoying the new environment. Oh, the hatred she exhibits when she talks about Ahmad is almost palpable. She hates him more than she does her father which is unjust to him, he didn't do anything wrong.

He's told her what had happened with her father.

"He asked me to marry his daughter." Ahmad gave a rueful chuckle because then, he never would've imagined that he would end up married to the hooligan but look how fate merged them. "Of course, I didn't feel any tinge of guilt or regret when I turned him down but he insisted so I promised to get her a husband before the sun rises."

"It didn't happen?" Betsy answered for him in a croaked voice, she's cried while narrating Fatima's story about murder that her voice is still scratchy and husky.

WHATEVER, POLICE OFFICER Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora