Thirty Nine.

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Fatima lie down on her belly watching more videos of those Arabian couple she's been obsessing over. A knock came on the door and sat up quickly knowing that should be Ahmad back from work. She sighed, she's almost forgotten about their teacher and student relationship that she was ready to haul yet more choices of words.

Why is she being so forgetful recently? Another suspire before she yelled out an unladylike come in that he would've commented on had they not being is settled terms, no, not good terms. They're still tolerating one another before the other snaps.

Ahmad walked in with a large tray in hand, his self-assured strides reaching her bed in no time. For the first time in her life Fatima is not excited about food but the person holding it in hand. Her mouth gaped a bit at the sight before her, even thinking the aroma of the food is coming from him instead of the food. He is wearing a tank top and knee length beach shorts! His tanned skin getting illuminated by the dim lights in her room caused the skin to glow gold, his dark hair stood up against the contrast of far skin. Hot! It's too hot in there and she needs to get out or do something stupid like they had the day before. No wonder she couldn't resist, he is ridiculously handsome and well sculpted.

She's seen him with much minimum clothing but she is looking at him now without the help of any toxic pill in her blood. This is pure woman hormones that is about to reck her well grown self control. And then their eyes clashed, behave her a knowing smile that says I know what you are doing but I'm not about to comment and cause trouble. Fatima rolled her eyes, the man is really arrogant then her attention went back to the food he is holding in hand, she licked her lips.

There is no way this new side of him will perish, she will keep being nice even if it's just for food in front of her. Who doesn't want free delicious food?

Betsy cooked them fresh fish pepper soup and fried yam for them before she left but Fatima feels awfully hungry now at the sight of what she hasn't seen. He gently placed it on the edge of the bed where she won't be able to throw away with her feet if she moves. Her eyes fell on what is before her -scrambled eggs, boiled sweet potatoes, cream curry chicken, baked beans and abundant amount of ketchup by the side. A smile split her face into two, it lit up her whole face that she felt her stomach smiling too, no cooked story.

The fact here is, they seem to share the same love and adoration for chicken, he cooks almost everything with chicken and that is Fatima's favorite food. If there is chicken, Fatima is following closely behind even if it is cooked with poison.

Ahmad smiled right back and it reminded her why she slept with him. On God, the man is fucking gorgeous and everything he does makes him look more exquisite. He is like an archangel, grace and elegance following every little gesture he does leaving his audience enchanted and mesmerized even she is not escaping the clutches. She's seen that amount of handsomeness since before but never allowed herself to talk it even with her mind. But what happened yesterday is acting like the opening she needs to and thoughts keep flooding.

Betsy had to open her mouth and make her feel like a wanton woman. "I swear to god, bitch, I would've tapped on ACP Al-hafiz had I been in your place. Why would I stay married to someone drop dead fucking handsome and not take advantage of the situation? I'm so jealous of you right now." Betsy had pouted, biting her lower lip in a sexy way that only Fatima knew what it means.

Her friend is anything but a virgin, she wants to have a taste of all the flavors she could before settling down and after each discarded man, she will tell Fatima about it. They will laugh over a chilled coke and then plot about her next person.

"He took my virginity." Fatima rolled her eyes, inculcating that piece of information in Betsy's head will be like cleaning someone's name from a stone.

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