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Are your reviews ready????? I got one amazing and wonderful one yesterday, I couldn't stop squealing like a ferret. Well y'all should ready your reviews because I'm done with this boook!!! Yay! Ninth completed book! Four more chapters and we're done😌


"What's wrong?" The whole Babagana's' rushed forward at the sight of Fatima lulling over and falling in her husband's arms.

Scooping her up within the confines of his strong muscles, he stopped them from following him upstairs. "She's exhausted and overwhelmed now shocked, she needs space. I think she won't wake up till tomorrow morning." He explained while looking down at the unconscious woman in his arms. A lot has happened and she is undoubtedly tired so fainting after seeing them is quite alright.

Both parents look disappointed since they were ready with their explanation in a baggage ready to sit her down and make her understand that they never intended to hurt her in anyway. Especially Zaitun, she's been shaking and wringing her fingers through one another the whole time inside the house. When they came, the guards permitted them inside without a question and opened h to e entrance door for them. To say they were impressed would've been an understatement, the house their daughter lives in is one heck of a piece.

Musa Babagana stared at his daughter in her husband's arms, saw the fiery protectiveness in his son-in-law's eyes and patted himself again. It was not a mistake after all. Getting Fatima forcefully married to Ahmad was for her own good because he's known that no matter what happens, Ahmad is going to stand by her through thick or thin and he's seen that earlier in the afternoon. There is no hiding the truth because he cried a little when he saw what Ahmad did and the sheer felicity his daughter's eyes were exhibiting. Ahmad really went out of his way to make her happy, there is no better man for her.

Though he'll like to hear their story, it's going to be quite interesting with his daughter's stubbornness and Ahmad's no nonsense I don't care attitude. How did he manage to get her out of her hatred-filled shell and molded her into the happy person she is now? Did he blackmail her in some way? Blackmail Fatima, that sounds weird and maladroit even to his ears. But then what? Locked her up in a cell? Fatima would've ruined his life by the time she is out but then what?! He would love to listen to the story coming out from his daughter's mouth.

Rashid on the other hand is quiet, just watching his sister snore lightly in the arms of another man. All he wants to do is rip her away from his brother-in-law's arms and into his but he has no right. He met them together and Ahmad clearly loves his younger sister and besides, Ahmad was his friend and senior during their days in police academy. That is something they will talk about after everything is settled. When he heard that Faiz Munzil is actually Rashid Babagana, he was shocked to say the least.

"We should probably go to a hotel and spend the night then come back in the morning. What do you think?" Nayla suggested, coming closer to have a good look at Fatima in Ahmad's arms. She'll look at Fatima, then her husband then Fatima again before she made a circle with her thumb and forefinger.

"You both look alike. The dark skin, straight nose, long lashes, amazing brows... wow." Nayla whispered to herself as she looked down at Fatima some more. She's the female version of her husband and she can't wait for them to have that sister in-law bond, they'll be amazing no doubt.

Rashid couldn't move to get the closer look, his feet are rooted to that same spot and moving will just be a useless attempt for he might fall. Seeing Fatima from afar in her school is different from seeing her here in her husbands arms all vulnerable and tired. He wants to meet her, hug her so tight and cry in her arms but she isn't awake, he cannot do that now so he watched from afar. There are so many things he wants to say, a lot of advises and bunch of teasing.

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