Forty Four.

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Fatima moseyed through the doors with her hands clasped around her messenger bag. Groggily, she bent down to remove her wage boots from her feet to allow her toes access to mingle. For some odd reasons she is more tired today than she'd been any other day and the need for her bed is closing up on her chest. She is hungry though, Betsy wouldn't cook anything for them because she lacks grocery and Fatima opted for the next option to come home with the hope that Ahmad made dinner for them and it seems so from the aroma in the house.

Gaining more energy, she threw the shoes around the hallway and walked in with a bright smile, she will get him to give her food or just snatch away his. When she walked inside the dining room and found many medium sized stainless steel chaffing dishes, she let out a hearty laugh of joy before helping herself with the audacity to open it even though the person who arranged them is clearly out of sight. When she saw the feast, she felt this flutter in her chest and her mouth watered instantly. With the thought that she is going to party, she left the dining room to the kitchen to hunt for her husband who happens to bring a gigantic smile on her face after a hectic day.

But she found a woman's back inside the kitchen with her back to her while she leans on the island. Fatima furrowed her brows in curiosity then rounded the kitchen to face whoever the person is that is standing in their kitchen like they own the place. When she saw the side view of the woman before she viewed her whole face, Fatima let out another shriek of excitement and hugged Adda-mama tightly close. The older woman smiled at the girl's excitement and hugged her back, disregarding her off mood and letting a fresh on take over.

Perhaps ahmad is right, she is a good actress than she's let herself take credit for. What has happened with him shall not be revived until they are together again because with Fatima, it's going to be an entirely different conversation, different smile and different questions with far better memories of the past.

"Adda-mama! What are you doing here?" She moved back to access the woman that stood like her mother her entire life. If only she's agreed to stay with heron Minnesota all those years ago, things would've been different.

She didn't want to leave her father's home because no matter what, she feels like her father is where her home is and where her safety lies but after many years of hardly seeing him and getting cold shoulders, Fatima realized she's made a mistake and by then, Adda-mama was busy building up her career as a jewelry designer under her father's company. Fatima didn't want to disturb the woman so she took a break and went touring Europe for a few weeks and she is back to normal. That is before her father came back and didn't inquire about her.

Zainab Babagana is a woman in her mid fifties but she looks not a day older than forty with her small petite frame and beautiful face. Nothing about her would speak that she's suffered because she hasn't, she got everything from her brother in a silver platter as she is the only relative he held dear to him. When Fatima saw the connection between the two siblings as she grew, she was galvanized that her father could feel something sensible for someone then embraced more of the fact that she won't ever get something similar from him.

"I'm here to surprise you obviously but seems like you shocked me with the news of marriage. Fatima and marriage? I was shocked out of my wits to say the least." Adda mama held a brow up as she looked through Fatima's expression which changed from joy to nonchalance.

"It's a long story I don't wish to start talking about until my belly is full. I thought the police man wanted to make the day special for himself." She placed her bag on the countertop and started untangling the mass on her head she calls turban. She's had a long day no cap and all she wants is a long bath, good food and hearty conversation with this mother figure of hers.

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