Thirty Eight.

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Fatima raised her puffy eyes up to look at Ahmad, surprised with both herself and him. How did they get to have a reasonable conversation for the first time in their lives? He just asked what she wants him to do, what does she want him to do for real though? Now that she's even slipped the murder out, what else does she need to say? She's glad he didn't ask about what murder she is talking about, she is not sure she is ready to disclose that part of her life to anyone because it still hurts like a bitch. She's tried consulting so many therapists in the past but none of them could extract two sessions with her. After the first one, she is out of it.

Now as she stared at Ahmad, she's decided something that might not be good for her but what else? He is the only person she has now even though it's going to be temporary. She's going to have him teach her everything about Islam, right from performing ablution to reading the holy Quran. There was no sign of sympathy in his eyes, only wonder and curiosity and she is glad. Anyone that pities her condition is no friend of hers, not that Ahmad is one but at least.

"I want you to-" She paused, she could see her pride and ego trying to take over. Shaytan is about to make her do something stupid so she whispered underneath her breath and licked her lips. "I want you to teach me everything about Islam. Every single thing that is compulsory to a Muslim."

Ahmad nodded then stood up, offered her his hand which she gratefully took and rise also, her other hand holding tight onto the single article covering her nakedness. Ahmad's thought started running helter-skelter, remembering all that had happened the night before, the softness of her lush body and the beauty of her dark skin on his white bed. Groaning mentally at his deranged thoughts, he released her hand the minute she stood up and cleared his throat. Where is he to begin now? They've just had intercourses which means they are to perform ghusl before they pray. Shoot, he's almost forgotten in his shrouded wrath.

"We are supposed to perform ghusl -ritual bath- first before we can perform ablution and pray. Do you know how to do that one?" Fatima shyly bit her lower lip and shook her head in no, he gave a reassuring ghost smile that visibly relaxed her tensed embarrassed shoulders.

Ahmad is trying to sheaf the words he is supposed to use for this Fatima. Had it been the other one, words would've been hauled against one another without any of them biting it down to see how it tastes but right now, he doesn't want to hurt her feelings when she clearly wants to mend her ways. She wants to be closer to her Lord, which is something she should be immensely grateful for, Allah adores her like He does every other but turning back to Him is not something everyone is lucky to go through. Most people tend to meander off the right lane and nothing could bring them back but Fatima, her own difficulties are tiring that she wants to share the burden.

"If we are going to do this, then there shouldn't be any shyness or embarrassment. When it comes to learning, those things are irrelevant." As soon as he closed his mouth, Fatima stood straighter, squared her shoulders and glare at him. Ahmad thought she was going to harangue him again but she surprised him.

"You've got that covered, Sir. Do tell me, what I'm I supposed to do now?" Her face is serious, like the other courageous Fatima he knows except for the traces of tears and the puffiness of her eyes.

"Where is your phone?" He asked instead.

She went to her bedside drawer and took it then handed it back to him. He browsed how to perform ghusl, sat her down on the bed and explained each of the steps for her. After making sure she inculcated everything, he handed her the phone and ask her to go inside the bathroom and use it to bath while he is away to do the same then he will come back for the ablution and prayer. She did like he's showed her, her smile widening with each drop of water that fell on her body because it is as though all her sins are getting washed away with the water and she feels as good as new.

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