New sibling

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P: What do you have to tell me?

R* This question, I didn't know if I will lie or if I will tell her the truth. I looked at Sergio, he looked calm. I expected him to freak out, but he was more ready on this question than I was. I noted at him and he started talking.

S* I looked at Raquel, she looked pretty nervous, so I decided that it will be best when I will get into it. She noted by her head and I started talking.

S: Well, we want to ask you a question.
P: Okay.
P: Will I get a puppy?
R: No, no puppies.
P: Right.....
P: Okay, so what did you want to ask me?
S: Well, we were wondering, if you want a sibling.....
P: Is mummy pregnant?

R* Her questions always got me, but this one was pretty hard to answer. Thank God that Sergio is here with me, I'm not sure if I would handle it by myself.

S* I didn't expect this question from her. I started sweating, it was really intense, but I started talking.

S: Well......
S: Yes, she is.
P: Cool, I always wanted a little brother or sister.

S* You have no idea how these words calmed me down. I felt happy, Paula wants this, we all want this. I'm so happy that my family is growing.

R* I wanted to hear these words so badly, I knew that Paula asked me for a sibling a long time ago, but she didn't ask since then. Maybe it's our destiny, to live together like a family.

R: And Paula?
P: Yes
R: Please don't tell grandma yet.
P: Why?
S: We want to wait for a while, we need to process it by ourselves.
P: Okay.

P: And num, was this the reason why you were crying?
R: Yeah, it was...
P: And why were crying about it? Aren't you happy?
R: Of course I am, I was just scared.
P: Okay, anyway, I have to go. My friends are waiting outside for me.
S: Okay just go, have fun.
P: Thanks dad, bye.

S: Well that was easier than I thought.
R: Yeah, I'm really glad she took it.
S: Yeah, me, too.

S* Raquel put her head on me. We were looking at each other's eyes. She touched my neck from the back and took my head down. She kissed me. We were kissing for a while, but then she took off her T-shirt. I stopped kissing her and told her...

S: Wait, is it safe for the baby?
R: Yeah, it should be. I'm just a few weeks pregnant, it shouldn't affect the baby.
S: But are you sure?
R: Yes I am, now shut up and kiss me.
S: Raquel wait, I really don't want to hurt you or the baby.
R: Okay then, search it online.

R* He started searching, I was really mad, I don't even know why. I just felt mad at him because he didn't continue. These pregnant hormones are driving me crazy.

S: Are you mad?
R: Yes...
S: Raquel, I'm really sorry, I just don't want to hurt you.
R: I know...
S: Then why are you mad?
R: I don't know these pregnancy hormones.
S: Oh yeah, I read that I should get ready.
R: Yeah? Where?
S: I bought a book.
R: Already?
S: Yeah, I need to be prepared.
R: Okay, do whatever you want then.

R* He continued searching for a while. I got sleepy and I laid on the bed.

R: So, what did you find.
S: It shouldn't affect the baby, but I'm still scared.
R: Come on baby, I just really want this right now.
S: I know, but we should really ask the doctor.
R: Is it because I'm not attractive enough?
S: What? What are you talking about?
R: I'm not attractive to you anymore right? That's why you're still thinking and searching...

S* Raquel started crying. What is she talking about? Did I say something wrong? I don't want to see her cry, I have to do something.

*Next part will be out soon*
*Thank you for reading my story ❤️*
*You can support me on my instagram @_lcdp.fans_ *
*Love you guys ❤️*

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