In his arms

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R* I was looking out of the window thinking about everything. I wanted to remember, I wanted to remember my, supposed to be, love, but I couldn't. I was looking out of the window. The moon was shining and the sky was full of beautiful stars. I smiled as I saw a star falling down through the sky. 

R: "I wish I could remember." 

R* I whispered sighing quietly still looking out. I still couldn't believe the fact that all of the people from the gang were my friends. It all felt so different but in good. I was smiling thinking about my new life and my new family when I suddenly heard a familiar voice behind my back.

S: "Raquel..."

R* Deep husky voice sounded and I suddenly knew who it was. I slowly turned around facing the man it belonged to. All the memories flashed into my head. All the time together flood in and suddenly I knew everything.

R: "Sergio..."

R* I breathed out with tears in my eyes. Everything made sense now, everything. I knew who my husband was. I knew how everything happened. I knew who was the father of my child. He was the man I loved. The man I missed without knowing who he was.

S: "You..." 

R* He sobbed as tears rolled down his face.

S: "You remember." 

S* I exhaled. I couldn't believe it, she knew who I was, she knew I was her husband, she knew how much I loved her.

R: "I do, Sergio, I do."

S* She smiled. Oh God, how I missed her beautiful smile. Without any hesitation, I ran towards her with open arms. She smiled and ran into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her. It was so long since I held her, it was so long since I could touch her.

R* I began rubbing his hair as he moved closer towards me. Soon enough our lips met and I felt alive again. His lips on mine. It felt like the happiest reunion ever. How could I forget about him? How could I not remember the love of my life? Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I felt his hands carefully touching my waist.

S: "I love you."

R* He looked into my eyes as we stopped kissing. His teary brown eyes were looking straight into my soul. I felt butterflies in my stomach as this phrase sounded through the room.

R: "I love you, too."

S* She smiled through the tears.

S: "I-I missed you so much."

S* I exhaled as she rubbed my hair.

R: "I missed you, too."

R* He smiled and I couldn't feel happier at that moment. We were together again, we were happy together again. 

S* As we were smiling at each other, I remembered the presence of the third person. My eyes fell down to look at Raquel's baby bump. It was much bigger than I remembered it and that made my heart melt. It was our baby which was growing. I couldn't believe that miracle that was happening in front of me. My one hand slowly moved from Raquel's waist on her belly. I looked at her.

R* When I felt Sergio's hand touching my belly I couldn't do anything else than just blush. His warm touch on my stomach woke up the baby and soon enough I felt a light kick. Sergio smiled as the baby kicked and happy tears appeared in his eyes again. 

S* I felt a small kick coming from Raquel's belly and I couldn't be happier. Everything seemed like a dream. Everything I lost in the past few weeks just returned back to me. My love, my family, everything.

R* We stood there for another hour just looking at each other, smiling, kissing, dreaming together, until I started feeling a little bit sleepy. I didn't want to admit it, but I slowly started closing my eyes falling asleep in Sergio's arms. 

S* I saw Raquel slowly closing her eyes. Her whole body was falling on me but I didn't care, I just held her. 

S: "Raquel..."

S* I whispered earning nothing more than silence. She fell asleep, I smiled and slowly took her into my arms. She looked so beautiful, I had to admire her. She was sleeping in my arms and I slowly carried her to the bed. I  carefully put her down trying not to wake her up and as soon as she lay on the bed, I lay next to her. I put the blanket over us and kissed her on the forehead.

S: "Good night, mi amor." 

S* I smiled and looked at her belly.

S: "Good night little one."

S* After that, I closed my eyes falling asleep with Raquel in my arms. It was the best sleep I got in the last few weeks. 

Palermo: "Sergio!"

S* A loud voice shouted waking me up. 

Palermo: "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

S* I looked around the room, the sun was shining and soon I noticed I wasn't in my room. I looked around and saw Raquel sleeping in my arms. 

S: "Shh!"

S* I looked at the person who distracted my deep sleep trying not to wake Raquel up. 

Palermo: "Sergio, what the!" 

S* He shouted again but stopped as he saw Raquel opening her eyes. 

R* I felt someone's arms wrapped around me and it felt so comfortable. I left my eyes closed enjoying the moment until somebody ran into my room and shouted. I tried to ignore him, but after he shouted for the second time I couldn't. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room. 

S: "Good morning." 

R* Sergio greeted me with a smile on his lips.

R: "Good morning." 

R* I smiled at him and Palermo who was standing at the door just stared at us confused. 

Palermo: "What the hell?!" 

Serquel's Baby / La Casa De PapelWhere stories live. Discover now