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S* I was sitting at the table looking out of the window. I didn't know if she was okay, I didn't know how she was doing, they weren't willing to let me see her. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand the thought that she was there on her own, fighting for life while I was here hoping that she was alright. I couldn't stand the thought that I wasn't next to her at her most difficult times. What if she needed me? 

I was watching as the wind outside played with leaves. I was so nervous, so tense. The room was all silent until I heard the door open. 

S: "Any news?" 

S* I asked not looking away from the window, I was almost sure that nothing has changed at all. 

Palermo: "Raquel woke up."

S* I froze, did I hear correctly? 

S: "What?"

S* I slowly turned around facing Martín which was standing in front of the door. 

Palermo: "She woke up, but..."

S* My eyes sparkled, I wanted to see her so badly.

S: "But?"

S* I asked, I was hoping that she was doing okay.

Palermo: "She doesn't remember anything..."
S: "What, what do you mean?"

S* I exhaled.

Palermo: "The last thing she remembers is how she tried to set up a trap on you..." 

S* No, no, that couldn't be true. She didn't know I was The Professor. She still thought I was Salva. She had no idea we were married, she didn't know we were going to have a child together. I closed my eyes breathing heavily as I still couldn't believe it. How was I supposed to explain everything? I will have to tell her about all the pain she experienced because of me, I will have to tell her how she hated me. I'm not capable of that.

Tears started rolling down my face. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to see her, to hug her, to kiss her so badly, but I couldn't. Only Salva could, but I wasn't Salva. Not anymore and I can't go back to that, I can't start lying to her again.

S: "What am I supposed to do now?"

S* I put my head into my hands, I didn't know what to do. I love that woman, she is the love of my life, but I can't go to her. I can't stress her by telling her that I'm The Professor, she is pregnant and now she even has a high-risk pregnancy. This would be too much to take for her, I can't stress her. But I can't lie to her either. I can't lie about my identity, I can't do that. 

Palermo: "You can try to carefully tell her."

S* Palermo tried to calm me down.

S: "I can't do that."

S* I sobbed.

Palermo: "Why not?"
S: "I just can't..."

S* I took a deep breath.

Palermo: "Then what do you want to do? Lie to her?"
S: "No, I can't go back to that either..."

S* I looked into his eyes.

S: "I can't do anything, I just have to let her remember by herself, I just have to wait."

S* I sighed.

Palermo: "But Sergio, the doctor said that it could take years for her to remember or there is a chance that she will never remember."
S: "Then I will have to wait until she will be okay, so I could tell her. Hopefully, I will be able to tell her, but I can't now."

S* A tear escaped my eye.

Palermo: "Sergio, I promise I will try to do everything for her to remember."
S: "Thank you."

S* I tried to smile through the sadness.

Palermo: "You're welcome." 

S* He smiled and left the room. I was all alone with my thoughts again. I still couldn't believe it, she didn't remember anything, she had no idea how much I love her. She didn't know that she was the love of my life, she didn't know that she was carrying my child...

R* I was sitting on the bed trying to understand everything. I still didn't know how could something like this happen. Yesterday I was still an inspector trying to catch the most wanted criminal in Spain and now I was apparently married to him. It was all way too confusing. Another question that was running through my head was who was I pregnant with? I couldn't be pregnant by him, right? I wouldn't let this person even touch me. My brain was working hard trying to understand everything when the baby kicked.

R: "Oh, I can see that someone is awake."

R* I rubbed my stomach. My brain stopped thinking about the situation around and I was focused on the small miracle going on in front of me. This was my baby, no matter who was the father, this was my baby, this was my love. I felt so strong connection with that little human growing inside of me. 

R: "I will love you no matter what." 

R* I smiled, I didn't know what was happening, I didn't know where I was nor who I was pregnant with, but I knew that I love the baby. 

Paula: "Mamá."

R* Paula opened the room and ran into the room. I kept smiling, another my sunshine was with me.

Paula: "Aunt Tokyo said a swear word."

R* The little girl giggled as she walked next to me and sat on the bed. I looked at the door and in my confusion, Tokyo ran through the door. 

Tokyo: "That's not true! Stupid isn't a swear word."
Paula: "Oh yes, it is."

R* The little girl started laughing as watched them in confusion.

Palermo: "Guys, let Raquel rest."

R* Another guy walked through the door. I didn't know who that was, but somehow I assumed he was also a member of the gang.

Tokyo: "Sorry."

R* She shrugged,

Tokyo: "Come on Paula, we will go to your dad, I'm sure he would love to see you."
Paula: "Yes."

R* The little girl smiled and both of them left. I froze, I couldn't move. Paula's dad? Was-was Alberto here? I was trying to breathe, but it was too hard. I felt so tense I couldn't breathe. The man which was standing at the door quickly noticed that I was having a hard time.

Palermo: "Hey, hey, Lisboa, are you okay?"

*Next part will be out soon*
*Thank you for reading my story ❤️*
*You can support me on my instagram @_lcdp.fans_ *
*Love you guys ❤️*

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