Take good care of her

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Tokyo: "What the hell is HE doing here?"
Tokyo: "Professor, what's going on?"
S: "Well, he was the one who has hurt Lisboa."
Tokyo: "What? I'm gonna kill him."
S: "No, you're not."
Tokyo: "But Professor, he has hurt your woman."
S: "I know, but he is also her friend and it was an accident."
Tokyo: "Fine, deal with it however you want, but if you want me to kill him, I'm here."
S: "Okay, don't worry."

S* I took Angel to his room. I wasn't angry at him anymore, I knew it was an accident. I just really hoped that I won't ever see him again.

A: "Is your whole gang here?"
S: "Well, yes."
A: "So you're still friends with them?"
S: "More than that, they are family."
A: "And Raquel is okay with that?"
S: "Well, actually, she and Monica became really good friends."
A: "No wonder, since Monica was in a similar situation."
S: "Yeah, they have also a lot of in common."

S* I was almost leaving, but Angel stopped me.

A: "Take good care of her."
S: "I will, she is the love of my life, I don't want to anything bad happen to her. I was so mad at myself when she got into that car crash."

S: "I went home right after her, since we argued, she left in our car. You know how did I feel when I saw our car on the road? It was even worse when I saw Raquel covered in blood. "

S: "I love her so much. She is so a strong woman, she went through a lot with Alberto and I would never hurt her or hit her."
A: "I'm sorry for earlier."
S: "It's alright, I wish you a good life and goodbye."
A: "Goodbye."

R* I overheard their conversation and Sergio was so sweet. He always is, but his sense to forget people is unbelievable."

S* I left Angel's room and went to Raquel's room. All of the people were in her room this day, wishing her to get well soon and having fun with her. I was visiting her every day and I took Paula with me. I saw that Raquel was getting better. The doctor said the baby should be fine, but Raquel has to be careful. Sometimes I saw Angel, but it wasn't really often. Weeks went by and Raquel went home.

R* I was finally going home. I was ready and waiting for Sergio and Paula to take me home.

A: "So, you're going home?"
R: "Yes, finally, I can't wait."
A: "I will miss you."

R* I didn't know how to answer. He used to be my friend, but I'm not sure about it anymore. It isn't just because of that car crash it's just about his jealousy. He is jealous of the man which I love. He was trying to hurt him, to hurt us, when he was with the police.

R: "Goodbye."

R* That was all that I had to say. Nothing more. I was waiting for his reaction. He just said goodbye and went back to his room. I didn't know if I did the right thing. It doesn't matter anymore, the past is past.

S: "Hi, honey."
R: "Sergio. You scared me."
S: "Sorry, is everything alright?"
R: "I was just lost in my thoughts."

S* Something wasn't right. I knew that she wasn't lying, but she wasn't telling all of the truth either. I sat next to her.

S: "You know you can always tell me, right?"

R* So I told him everything, my all thoughts about this. His opinion was important to me and he was here to listen.

S: "Raquel, I just want you to know that he cares for you. I know he has hurt you, but he isn't a bad person at all. It's your decision how you will take it and it's your decision how it will go. I'm sure that you made the best decision that you could, so don't be scared of it. You can always take this decision back, just by saying I'm sorry."
R: "Thank you so much, you're always here to support me, I love you so much.
S: "I love you, too and you're welcome.

S* We were just sitting there. We were happy that Raquel is going home.

P: "Mum! Are we going home?"

*Next part will be out soon*
*Thank you for reading my story ❤️*
*You can support me on my Instagram @_lcdp.fans_ *
*Love you guys ❤️*

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