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It was 12 AM when Jimin was finally calmed out. He was almost asleep on Tae's shoulder, in his warm engulf, when Tae's phone started ringing, breaking the peaceful silence. Jimin pulled away with a swollen sleepy face as he looked at Tae who just took out his phone.

"It's Jin hyung" He said while looking at his phone as Jimin nodded. He picked the call and put it on speaker.

"Heyaaa!! you two idiots. You dead or what? Do you want me to send ambulance to pick you up or what? Such unholy kids." Jin scolded on the phone and the speed of his scolding was so high, it felt as though he was rapping. Both boys couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Yah yah sorry hyung. We're coming, don't worry." Tae replied as Jimin smile disappeared. It didn't go unnoticed by Tae.

"What happened?" Tae asked as soon as he cut the call.

"Nothing" Jimin replied, looking at the floor.

"Jimin, it's obviously not nothing" Tae replied.

"I-I just don't want to see Jungkook. I k-know if I'll see him, I'll start crying again. I really feel like a cry baby now" Jimin said as Tae nodded.

"For now, just avoid him if you can't stand him. That's all I can say" Tae said as Jimin nodded. He knew avoiding JK wouldn't be possible since they all live in a same dorm but he didn't had a better plan.

Tae then held Jimin's hand as he leaded him to parking section.

"You came on bike?" Jimin asked, when he noticed Tae's bike in parking section.

"Yeah, I was in hurry when I came here. Why? Are you afraid of bikes?" Tae teased as he got on his bike.

"Yeah, a little bit" Jimin replied as he too got on the bike behind Tae.

"Don't worry. Just hold on to me tightly" Tae replied. Jimin did as told as Tae started driving. They both weren't wearing helmets which was not good but since Tae came here in hurry and there weren't any vehicles on the road as it was midnight.

Tae drove carefully, meanwhile Jimin just let the cold air hit his skin. His heart felt heavy as he rested his head on Tae's back who smiled in front.

In some minutes, they finally reached their dorm. Tae parked the bike in garage and walked towards the door with Jimin. He rang the bell as Jimin still didn't want to go inside. At this point, he was overthinking too much as so many questions clouded his mind.

What if other members couldn't accept me too?

What if they start hating me too?

What will I say to them?

What if I'll become the reason due to which the whole group will be criticized?

I can't let that happen.

Maybe.... Maybe I should leave the group.

These were some of the crazy thoughts that were blanketing Jimin's minds. However, it was all put to an end when Hobi opened the door and engulfed him into a huge warm hug. Jimin got startled but soon returned the hug.

"No hugs for me?" Tae asked once they pulled away. Hobi smiled before pulling both of them into a bone crushing hug once again.

Once they all pulled away, they came inside and met a worried looking Jin and sleepy Suga and Namjoon sitting on the couch. Only JK wasn't here, who was sleeping in his room without caring for anything. Or at least it's what the members thought.

"Finally! Now I can go to bed" Suga said as he yawned and walked to his room once he was sure the boys were back at home. Hobi giggled.

"He was really sleepy but he waited for you guys because he was worried." Hobi informed.

"I was worried too" Jin said with crossed arms as he looked at Tae and Jimin. "What took both of you so long?" He added.

"Sorry hyung, it was because of me." Jimin said with cracking voice because of crying so much. Jin noticed it and didn't said anything further.

"Jimin, you must be tired. You go sleep" Tae said as Jimin nodded. Nobody asked for any explanation, since Jimin didn't look like he wanted to explain anything. However, when Jimin went to his room, Hobi, Namjoon and Jin looked at Tae for explanation.

Tae sighed before telling the very long story to the boys. The boys were very sad to hear everything that happened and were shocked because of all the mean things JK said to Jimin. However, Tae didn't tell them about Jimin trying to jump of the terrace. He wasn't sure if he should tell them that or not.

On the other hand, Hobi told Tae  everything that happened in the house when he wasn't here, including the Namjoon and Jin dating. Tae choked on thin air on hearing the little secret which wasn't a secret anymore.

"Now that makes sense why you two always stick together" Tae said with crossed hands as Jin and Namjoon passed him a shy smile.

The boys talked a little bit more, but soon they all decided to go to bed since it was already very late. They all went to bed. Tae was still worried about Jimin so he went to Jimin's room to check on him.

He found Jimin was still up, looking outside his window. Once Jimin noticed someone opened the door, he wiped his tears before looking behind.

"Tae? Why are you here?" He asked.

"Can I sleep in your room?" Tae asked as Jimin sighed.

"You don't have to worry about me, Tae." He replied with a fake smile.

"You literally tried to jump from the terrace some hours ago and you are saying me not to worry about you?" Tae reminded as Jimin's smile disappeared. He looked at the ground.

Tae sighed before walking towards Jimin's bed and jumping on it like a little kid.

"I'm sleeping in your room" He informed as Jimin just nodded. He knew Tae wasn't going to listen, so he just gave up. Not to mention, that he himself actually wanted and needed Tae's warm comforting cuddles.


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Next chapter will be published soon.

Till then, peace out. (◕‿-)

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