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Hi lovely readers!!!

This is my first book written out of my imagination. I hope you guys will like it.

Here are some warnings:
-mental abuse.
-suicide attempt.
-forced sex/rape


Jeon clan was blessed with the most extraordinary ruler in history - a king of unparalleled power and intelligence. His subjects adored him, and his wise governance earned their deepest admiration. The king's exceptional intellect inspired awe in the hearts of his people, who revered him for his remarkable wisdom. Surrounded by the finest treasures, loyal companions, and a stunning queen, he possessed everything one could possibly desire, making his reign a golden era in the annals of the Jeon clan's history.

Despite his vast wealth, loyal followers, and stunning queen, there was one thing the king of the Jeon clan yearned for above all else - an heir to carry on his legacy and rule the kingdom after his passing. Years of fervent prayers were finally answered when the king and queen were blessed with a son, a child of breathtaking beauty and charm.


The king anxiously awaited news from the physician who had just examined the queen. Cries and sobs could be heard from the queen's room as she prepared to give birth to their long-awaited heir. The king asked the physician with great concern, "What happened? Is my wife going to be okay

The king, alarmed by his wife's cries, issued a stern command to the physician, "Nothing will happen to my wife; if it does, you will face the consequences!" The physician, in a reassuring tone, responded, "Everything will be alright, Majesty, just wait here and pray

After enduring hours of agonizing labor, the king, anxiously waiting in the corridor, finally heard the cries of the newborn baby. With relief, he saw the physician emerge from the chambers with a smile, signalling the successful delivery. The head physician congratulated the king and encouraged him to go see the queen himself.

Grateful for the physician's expertise, the king entered the chambers. Making his way to the queen's bedside, he tenderly picked up the small bundle wrapped in soft blankets, his heart overflowing with joy and gratitude for the precious new addition to their family.

"Gosh, look at our son, he is so beautiful." The king beamed with happiness and kissed the forehead of the sleeping queen who was exhausted and fell asleep as soon she saw the king entering her chambers.

The king named his son, "jeon junghyun." As they say: time flies faster, and the king got older and older. He couldn't manage the throne by himself. He knew this day would come soon. For this, he trained his son himself.

The king's face radiated joy as he gazed at his newborn son. "Gosh, look at our son, he is so beautiful," he exclaimed, his voice filled with emotion. He gently kissed the forehead of the sleeping queen, who had exhausted herself during the delivery and had fallen asleep as soon as she saw the king enter her chambers.

The king named his son "Jeon Junghyun," and as the years went by, time seemed to fly by at an incredible pace. The king grew older, and his responsibilities as ruler became increasingly challenging to manage alone. He knew that this day would come eventually, and so, he took it upon himself to train his son, Jeon Junghyun, to one day assume the throne and continue his legacy.

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