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Today, Seokjin asked Jungkook to accompany him to the village because he had forgotten to buy some essential items. Jungkook, dressed impeccably like a nobleman, joined Seokjin on the errand.

As they reached the bustling market, Jungkook's excitement bubbled over, repeatedly inquiring about the strawberry vendor. Seokjin, feeling exasperated, finally snapped, "Jungkook, if you ask about the strawberry guy one more time, I'll leave you here," his tone firm yet laced with a hint of amusement.

Jungkook, sensing Seokjin's annoyance, fell silent for the rest of their shopping trip, but was offended by seokjin tone he was a prince after all and no-one can speak to him like that.

His demeanor subdued Seokjin noticed Jungkook's sullen expression and likened it to that of a kicked puppy. Determined to lift the prince spirits, Seokjin decided to surprise Jungkook with some strawberries.

Upon reaching the fruit stall, Seokjin politely inquired, "Sir, why can't I find any strawberries at your stall? Have they all been sold out?" The stall vendor regretfully informed them, "I'm sorry, sir, but we've run out of strawberries for the day." Seokjin glanced apologetically at Jungkook, understanding the disappointment in his eyes.

As they strolled around the market for a few minutes, Jungkook's attention was drawn to a boy selling bread. Intrigued, he wanted to try some, but when he turned to share his interest with Seokjin, he found him missing.

Confusion clouded Jungkook's expression as he scanned the area, only to spot Seokjin in a nearby shop looking at scrolls and ink. Standing behind Seokjin, Jungkook couldn't fathom why Seokjin would be interested in scrolls and ink typically used in schools.

Whispering, Jungkook inquired, "Whom is this for?" Startled, Seokjin turned around, his hand on his chest, and let out a sigh, "You scared me." Not missing a beat, Jungkook pressed for an answer, "You didn't answer the question?" Shrugging, he joined Seokjin in examining the scrolls on display.

After a moment of hesitation, Seokjin finally revealed, "F-For Namjoon..." He hesitated, unsure of how Jungkook would react. Jungkook nodded in understanding and pointed to a scroll he liked.

Seokjin's smile widened, and he promptly purchased the chosen scroll. As they left the market, Jungkook searched for the bread seller boy but couldn't spot him in the bustling crowd,

On their way back to the palace, Seokjin took the opportunity to apologize to Jungkook for his earlier outburst. Jungkook, still feeling a bit dejected, responded with a quiet hum, indicating his acceptance of Seokjin's apology.

But after a few minutes, Jungkook noticed that the path they were taking was not leading them back to the palace. He glanced at Seokjin, who was walking with a smile on his lips, constantly looking at the bag containing the scroll and ink.

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked, intrigued, as he looked around at the houses and people standing here and there, some even glancing in their direction.

"Uh, Jungkook, if you don't mind, I need to drop these scrolls off at the school. You can go back to the palace if you don't want to come with me," Seokjin said.

"No, it's okay. I also want to see Namjoon Hyung, after all, I was his student," Jungkook replied with a smile and followed Seokjin, whose excitement was palpable.

As they reached the school, all the children were playing in the courtyard. Teachers were strolling in the garden, some were drinking tea, and among them was Namjoon, who was engaged in a serious conversation with another teacher.

Seokjin approached Namjoon, while Jungkook remained behind, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention from the other teachers. He watched as Seokjin and Namjoon shared a brief conversation, until Seokjin pointed in his direction. Jungkook could see Namjoon's expression change, a hint of surprise and warmth crossing his features.

Namjoon immediately patted his suit and began walking towards Jungkook, bowing respectfully in front of him. "My prince, you could've called me if you wanted to meet me," he said, his voice laced with warmth and surprise.

Jungkook chuckled, "No, Hyung, after all, you were my teacher, and as a student, I should respect you."

"How has your training been going?" Namjoon asked, his curiosity evident.
"Oh, it was tiring, but it's my duty to be trained," Jungkook replied, a hint of pride in his voice.

"Of course, why don't you join us? Have some tea," Namjoon offered, gesturing towards the garden where the other teachers were gathered. Jungkook noticed the curious glances from the other teachers, and he politely declined the invitation.

"Seokjin, I think we should go now," Jungkook said, turning to his brother.
"Oh, yes, as you wish, my prince," Seokjin replied, waving goodbye to Namjoon and following Jungkook out of the school.

As they made their way back to the palace, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. He remembered the days when he was a student at the school, learning from Namjoon and the other teachers. The encounter had reminded him of how much he had grown


Jungkook had completely forgotten about his father's planned visit to the village that day. His father had informed him through a maid that he was expected to join the visit. Lately, Jungkook had been preoccupied with spending time with Seokjin and Namjoon, often going camping and fishing with the two.

Despite the queen's strict scolding and warnings that it was inappropriate for a prince to be seen with Seokjin and Namjoon, as they were considered of lower class, Jungkook paid little heed to her concerns. His bond with his friends was strong, and he valued their companionship above societal expectations.

The day before the planned village visit, Hara, his mother, expressed her frustration, "Jungkook, how can a prince go camping with a servant? I warned you to stay away from him from the beginning, but you never listen."

Jungkook, unfazed by her disapproval, calmly responded, "I don't need your permission to choose my company. I'm going, regardless." With a final glance at his mother, Jungkook left the room, leaving behind a displeased Hara.

While Jungkook was enjoying his friend's wedding, his father was preparing to take actions that would impact someone else's life, unbeknownst to Jungkook.


Taehyung will be introduced in the next chapter.

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