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In the evening

As Taehyung was brushing his hair, he heard the door knocking. He put the brush back on the vanity and paced towards the door. Opening the door, he saw Jungkook standing in front of him with a rose in his hand.

Jungkook's breath knock out of his chest as he saw Taehyung looking so cute and beautiful in all white, his black hairs styled neatly a few strands falling on his forehead. He was looking so beautiful that Jungkook stood there staring at Taehyung, forgotten about the rose in his hand.

Seeing Jungkook staring at him, Taehyung cleared his throat, "My prince, is everything okay?" Hearing this, Jungkook fell out from his trance and chuckles nervously, "I'm sorry, if I made you uncomfortable. You are looking beautiful that I couldn't resist myself apology." Jungkook bowed his head and looked up to find Taehyung smiling at him.

They both stood there staring at each other until Jungkook spoke, "Oh, I forgot, this is for you." Saying this, Jungkook hand over the rose to Taehyung gently. Taehyung sniffed the rose with a smile and thanked the prince.

"So, are you ready?" Jungkook asked with a soft smile lingering on his lips, in which Taehyung nodded and closed the door behind him after setting the rose in a jar.

They both walk out of the palace gate quietly. Jungkook helped Taehyung sitting on the horse and got on it after gazing his eyes towards everywhere to ensure that no one is following them. Jungkook pulled the reign to make the horse start walking towards the village.

Taehyung could feel Jungkook hot breath faning on his ear, which made him all mushy and nervous. He couldn't help the blush that fell over his cheeks. They both didn't talk the whole ride, just feeling each other heart beat, which made both of them calm and warm in a chilly night.

On the way to the hills, Jungkook bought some cream buns for their date from the village market.

"Taehyung, the place I'm taking you today are a surprise, okay. So, I want you to wear this until we reach there. Hmm." Jungkook showed the black piece of silk clothe which he pulled out of his pocket, biting his lips in nervousness thinking he might say something stupid. Taehyung touched the cloth first and looked at Jungkook before nodding his head.

"Thank you, I'm sure you will like the place." Jungkook tied the cloth around Taehyung eyes, but not too tightly. He made his horse to start walking towards the hills.

When they reached at the top of the hill with a little difficulty, the slope was too slippery because of the snow and his horse had trouble climbing on the hill, but eventually, they made it. Jungkook got down the horse first and put his hands around Taehyung small waist helping him to get down from the horse back.

After placing Taehyung on the ground, he united the cloth and asked Taehyung to close his eyes until he says to open them. After seeing Taehyung agreeing on it, he went to his horse to cover him with a blanket and pulled a big blanket from his bag which was tied around to his horse. He placed the blanket around Taehyung shoulders, in which the latter sighed at the feeling of the warm blanket around his shoulders.

Jungkook asked Taehyung to lie down, eyes closed. He sat the things on the ground neatly, like the cream puff and some water to drink. He quickly lied down next to Taehyung. Their arms were touching and if Jungkook hands moved a millimeter, their fingers would brush. The thought sent a shiver down to his spine.

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