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After nine months

On a beautiful morning, the joyful cries of a newborn baby echoed through the corridors of the queen's chamber, signalling a momentous occasion for the Jeon family.

Queen Hara gazed lovingly at her son, who was swaddled in soft blankets. The baby instantly fell into a peaceful slumber as his mother held him close. At that moment, the king entered the chamber, having received word from a guard that the baby had been safely delivered.

Filled with excitement, the king hurried to the queen's side and found his wife cradling the small bundle of joy. He embraced her tenderly, whispering, "You did great, I'm so proud of you." Bending down, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

The king then carefully took the baby from Hara's arms and cradled the tiny life in his own, marvelling at the miracle before him.

Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. That will be our son's name," Junghyun announced with a smile, hara heart filled with joy at the choice.

Feeling the exhaustion setting in after the labour, Hara expressed her need for rest. Observing the weariness in his wife's eyes, Junghyun reassured her that their baby, Jungkook, was safe and that she could now rest.

The king lay beside his wife, with Jungkook sleeping peacefully on his chest. As a sense of tranquillity enveloped the room, the Jeon family drifted off to sleep, their faces adorned with smiles, basking in the warmth of their newfound happiness.

7 years later

A loud crash echoed through the kitchen as a 7-year-old Prince Jungkook accidentally knocked over a set of fine plates, his mother's favourites.

"Jungkook! I told you not to play in the kitchen!" the furious chef, Seokjin, yelled at the sheepishly smiling prince. Seokjin handed the ball to Jungkook and asked a nearby guard to escort the young prince to the garden.

"Seokjin, it's alright. Don't scold our prince today, it's his birthday," a maid said, smiling at Jungkook's retreating as the guard led him out of the kitchen.

Seokjin sighed heavily, "I know... it's just that I'm a little stressed today. This is the tenth time the queen has come to the kitchen to check on the preparations for Jungkook's birthday. They really do spoil the prince a lot."

The maid nodded in agreement, "Indeed, but it's only natural for parents to dote on their child, especially on their special day."

The maid chuckled at Seokjin's stressed expression and offered reassurance, "Don't worry, everything will be alright. But you were a bit harsh on our Jungkookie. You should apologize to him. He was heartbroken when you had the guard take him to the garden."

"Okay, I will. But let's clean the floor first. Then I'll go see my little Jungkookie," Seokjin replied, brushing the flour from his hands before heading to the garden.

Upon reaching the garden, Seokjin found Jungkook sitting on a bench, his lips forming a cute pout and a frown on his face. Amused by the adorable display, Seokjin chuckled and sat beside Jungkook, lightly nudging his shoulder. "Hey, are you mad at me?" Seokjin asked in a playful, baby voice, trying to lighten the mood.

Jungkook, instead of responding, turned away towards the fountain, prompting a surprised noise from Seokjin. "You can't do this to your friends," Seokjin remarked, trying to engage the young prince.

Peeking over his right shoulder, Jungkook replied, "You yelled at me," his expression reflecting sadness. Seokjin, realizing his mistake, quickly apologized, "I'm sorry. Will you forgive me now? I promise never to yell at you again." He gently placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, guiding him to face him.

Jungkook's face lit up with a smile, "I forgive you," he said, embracing Seokjin. Seokjin chuckled at the young prince's gesture. "Now, today you turn eight, and you need to get ready for the party. The maids are looking for you, so go and get ready," Seokjin advised, encouraging Jungkook to prepare for his special day.

"Jungkook!" The authoritative voice rang out, and Seokjin immediately recognized it as King Junghyun's. He bowed his head respectfully as the king approached, two guards trailing behind him.

"Father!" Little Jungkookie joyfully ran into his father's arms, and King Junghyun lifted him. Together, they headed inside to prepare Jungkook for the day. Seokjin silently hoped that Jungkook wouldn't mention the scolding to the king, knowing the potential consequences.

"Father, why do we celebrate birthdays?" Little Jungkook inquired, his small hands playing with his father's beard, curious about the significance of birthday celebrations.

We celebrate the day we are born. As we grow older, we reflect on our memories and make new promises to ourselves for the future," Junghyun explained to his son, imparting the significance of birthdays.

"I want to see Mother. Where is she?" Jungkook inquired, scanning the hallways for his mother's presence.
"She's in the hall welcoming our guests. Now, quickly change so we can join her. Otherwise, your cake will melt," Junghyun urged, emphasizing the need to hurry.

"No, I'll go quickly," determined not to let his cake melt, little Jungkook dashed towards his room, where the maids were already waiting to assist him in getting ready for the celebration.

After few years later ...(Jungkook is 13 now)

In the garden, Jungkook sat with his mother, engrossed in his homework. Despite being homeschooled, he enjoyed his tutor, Kim Namjoon. However, he began to notice Namjoon's frequent visits to the Palace kitchen and even witnessed him kissing Seokjin Hyung.

Confused by these observations, Jungkook pondered the situation deeply. Lost in thought, he failed to hear his mother calling him until she repeated his name. "Jungkook?"  Startled, he apologized for not paying attention. "yes!! Mother, I'm sorry I wasn't listening.

Concerned, his mother asked "Why are you so lost in your thoughts? Is something bothering my son? You can tell me."  Jungkook reassured her that everything was fine,


Why were you calling me?" Jungkook asked.

The queen hesitated before sharing the news with Jungkook, "Yes....yes, umm there this something your father and I wanted to tell you but now I have to tell you because your father is busy in the war matter." 

With a mix of apprehension and hope, she revealed, "Jungkook, you will be having a younger sibling soon."
To her relief and delight, Jungkook's face lit up with pure happiness at the news. "Really!, I'll be having a younger sibling."  Overjoyed at the prospect of becoming an older brother, he embraced the idea with open arms.

Witnessing her son's genuine happiness, the queen couldn't help but beam with joy alongside him. However, as they basked in the happiness of the moment, little did they know that challenges lay ahead, reminding them that joy is not always everlasting.

But happiness does not last long.


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