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Jungkook's steps faltered as he entered the dimly lit dungeon, the weight of his emotions pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket. Before him stood his mother, once a pillar of strength in his life, now reduced to a shadow of her former self.

The sight of her, the woman who had birthed him, nurtured him, and shaped him into the man he had become now filled him with a mixture of sorrow and rage. How could she have orchestrated such a heinous act, condemning Taehyung to a fate worse than death?

"Mother," Jungkook's voice was barely a whisper. He glared daggers towards her mother's face. the weight of her crimes bearing down upon him like a leaden burden.

Hara's eyes, once filled with warmth and affection, now held only emptiness. She stood before him, a broken figure in the dim light of the dungeon, her hands bound.

"Jungkook," her voice was a mere echo of its former strength, a hollow shell of the woman she once was. "My son, forgive me."

But forgiveness was a distant dream, an impossible wish in the face of such betrayal. Jungkook's heart ached with the knowledge of all that had been lost, all that could never be regained.

"I cannot," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the oppressive silence of the dungeon. "Not after what you've done."

"What have I done? It's all your father's fault he made me like this. He is the reason for this."

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat, disbelief and anger warring within him as he listened to his mother's words. How could she deflect blame on his father, absolving herself of the sins she had committed?

"No, Mother," he said, his voice tinged with bitterness and sorrow. "You made your own choices. You chose to betray me."

But Hara's eyes remained cold and distant, her gaze unfaltering even in the face of her son's accusations. "Your father," she repeated, her voice laced with venom. "He drove me to this. He never loved me, never cared for me. It was always about power, about control."

The words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the fractured relationships that had torn their family apart. Jungkook felt a surge of frustration, the weight of his mother's betrayal pressing down upon him like a suffocating weight.

"Enough," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "I will not stand here and listen to you blame others for your own actions. You made your choices, Mother. And now you must face the consequences."

"It's your father. All I wanted from him was to love me. Y-Your father loved a man he wanted to marry a man how disgusting...... I always dreamed of being with him while he ran after a man.

After our marriage, he never looked at me he never cared for me he would always stay in that damn library reading his lover's letter. You want to know!? why you were born. Your father was jealous of his lover because his wife gave birth and to let his lover know that he had also moved on with his life your father first time ever came into my chamber,and I gave birth to you after that hoping he would pay attention to me.

That man was the reason he slept with me, and one month after your birth, your father went to meet that lover of his. While I tried my best raising you, he never glanced at you. Your sister's death was also because of him he went to his private island with that man while I was struggling with the pregnancy how can a husband be like that!!

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