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As the sun rises in the horizon, casting a warm glow over the village, Jungkook and his companions are prepared to depart from the humble abode of the elderly grandmother. The air was heavy with the scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of chirping crickets filled the morning air.

Jungkook approached the grandmother with a solemn expression, bowing deeply before her in gratitude for her hospitality. "We shall leave now, thank you," he said respectfully, his voice tinged with a sense of duty.

she answered, her voice soft and gentle like a lullaby. "May the heavens bless your dear Taehyung with a swift recovery."

Jungkook nodded, his heart heavy with worry yet warmed by the grandma's kindness. "We are forever indebted to you," he replied, bowing respectfully before taking his leave.

Before walking any further, he turned back and asked, "Are you sure you don't want any presents?"

The elderly woman smiled kindly at the young king, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "Oh, son, it's my pleasure to serve my king. I desire nothing in return."

Moved by her selflessness, Jungkook smiled gratefully before turning to join his companions. Two carriages awaited them, their polished exteriors gleaming in the fading light. One carriage bore the burden of sorrow, carrying the fragile form of Taehyung, while the other held his son's cold and pale body.

With a heavy heart, Jungkook climbed  his horse, casting a final glance back at the grandmother's home.

As the carriages rumbled to life and began their journey back to the palace, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom that hung in the air. He knew that difficult decisions awaited him upon their return, decisions that would shape the fate of the kingdom and its people.

Reaching the palace grounds, the atmosphere was sombre as Jungkook and his companions made their way through the gates.

Taehyung was carefully carried into his chambers. Jungkook's heart ached as he watched his beloved, his once vibrant spirit now dimmed by pain and suffering.

In the afternoon, arrangements were made for the burial of his son. The burial of their son was a solemn affair, attended by only a handful of trusted servants and close family members.  Tears flowed freely as they laid the child to rest, a small, innocent soul lost to the cruelty of fate.

The silence in the palace was deafening, weighing heavy on Jungkook's heart as he wandered through its empty halls. The grandeur of the palace seemed to mock him, its opulent halls echoing with the emptiness of his grief.

No one spoke, no laughter filled the air, only the sound of his own footsteps echoing off the marble floors. It felt as though he lived alone in this vast, empty palace, surrounded by memories of happier times now lost to the cruel hand of fate.

The silence was suffocating, pressing in on him from all sides as he made his way through the dimly lit corridors. He longed for the sound of Taehyung's laughter for the warmth of his embrace, but all he found was emptiness.

Even the servants seemed to move about in hushed tones, their faces drawn and weary with sorrow. The once bustling palace now felt like a ghostly shell of its former self.

As Jungkook passed through the grand ballroom, he couldn't help but recall the joyous celebrations that had once filled the space. Now, the room stood silent, and still, its ornate chandeliers cast long shadows across the empty dance floor.

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