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Opening the door to see his lover in a state he never imagined. He snapped, Jungkook ran towards woosan who was sitting on Taehyung's thighs his face showed fear.

Jungkook punched him staright to his face and pushed him so hard that woosan head hit the table and he end up lying on the floor unconscious his nose was bleeding.

Jungkook immediately opened all the ropes and covered Taehyung with a bed sheet and hugged the latter who was sobbing while clutching Jungkook's shirt in his fist.

Hearing the painful cry of Taehyung a tear left Jungkook's eyes and he thought that if he didn't came in time what would have happend? Shaking his thoughts he only focused on Taehyung and wiped his tears and hugged him again.

He stayed there hugging his lover until Taehyung fell asleep in his hold he layed Taehyung gently on the bed again wiped his tears and kissed him on his forehead.

On the other hand, woosan who was lying unconscious woke up and hisses at the pain he felt on his nose. He looked towards the bed to see Jungkook dark orbs staring right at him. He didn't think of any consequence and ran straight towards the door and out of the room.

He was running through the corridor when he looked behind to see Jungkook calmly walking behind him woosan thought of an strategy to ran out of the palace he was about to enter the garden for a shortcut until Jungkook shouted at the guards to capture him.

It was ruckus inside the palace by Jungkook shouting at the guards running footsteps of the guards and woosan screaming which woke everyone up.

It was in the middle of the night when everyone was standing in the hall except Jimin, Rosè and her family.
They were told to stay in their room and not come out until they were told to.

Jungkook glaring at woosan who was on his knees with his head hanging low two guards standing behind him waiting for the orders of their king.

Junghyun looked at his son waiting for him to say something but when he didn't The king asked, "What happend? Who is this and what did he do?"

Hara who was sitting on her seat beside her Husband fidgeting with her fingers not even looking at woosan.

"Father this monster tried to rape someone not even once but countless times I request you to punish him and sentence him to jail."

Junghyung was mad when he hear this and looked at woosan with disgust. He looked at woosan, " Did you do it" Woosan didn't say anything. He just kept quite which irked Jungkook and he was ready to throw a punch but was stopped by guards.

Junghyung sighed and looked at Mr. Min his adviser who was standing beside his chair. Mr. Min only shook his head in a disappointment.

"Take him away 100 lashes and he will serve his life in prison and I don't want him near my palace." When Junghyung announced his Punishment woosan start screaming and shouting. All the servants start murmuring and looked at woosan with disgusting looks.

"No! Please no! It wasn't me I didn't want to it. Please spare my life I didn't do it." He was screaming the same sentence while he was being dragged by the guards until he said something which turned everyone into shock.

"The Queen she ordered me to do it. It was her!" Woosan shouted while looking at Hara who stood up from her seat and said, "What rubbish are you sprouting I have nothing to do with you and this matter. Take him away!"

Junghyun stopped the guards and asked woosan, " who ordered you?"

"The Queen she said that she will give me money if I do it. I was hopeless I needed money. she threatened me."

Hearing woosan statement all of the heads turned to look at Queen. Hara got nervous and looked at Jungkook who was looking at her confused.

"Do you have any proof." Junghyun asked in which woosan immediately nodded his head and said, " I have it's in my room under the bed. The bag of money she gave me it has her stamp on it."

Junghyun nodded towards his guard to go check the room. The guard bowed his head and went out the hall with two of his companions.

Hara looked at her husband wide eyed. "Are you suspecting me. I have nothing to do with it.

Junghyun looked at her and said, "If you have nothing to do with it just stay quiet."

She couldn't think of anything else. Everyone watched her while she nervously fiddled with her fingers thinking of any excuse that could save her.

Few minutes later, The guard entered the hall with a small brown bag of money in his hand. All the servants began murmuring and looked at the Queen.

The guard placed the bag on the King's hand. Junghyung checked the stamp and it was indeed his wife stamp on the bag.

Junghyun looked at Hara with disappointing look and threw thebag of money on the floor. Jungkook on the other hand looked at his mother. He felt like he was stabbed on his back. How could his mother do this. His own mother!

Some of the servants were looking at him which made him embarrassed even though he didn't do anything but ge felt embarrassed humiliated. There eyes showed pitied for him and he hated it.

Junghyun stood up from his seat, "Take this monster away from my face and as for you my wife you will stay in your room for a whole month. You will not be allowed to leave your chamber until I say so. Take her away."

When the guards began to move her from her chair. She sat still staring at her husband who didn't even glance at her.

"What are you doing. Don't touch me! How could you? I said I have nothing to do with it. Just let me go." Hara struggled to free herself as Guards were dragging her out of the Hall.

King looked his son who stayed put on his place with his head bow down. All servants were leaving the Hall one by one throwing looks of pity towards Jungkook.

"Jungkook meet me in my room." Junghyun said and went outside with his advisor behind him.

Jungkook stayed there for not know how long. Until he wiped his cheeks and it was stained with his tears. He didn't know when he started crying.

He still couldn't accept the fact that it was his mother all along. First, he decided to visit Taehyung then he will go to see his father.

When he arrived infront of Taehyung's room. He didn't know how to face his lover. He failed to save him he failed to fulfil his promise.

He was staring at the door when he felt a tap on his shoulder he turned around to look at the young maid.

She looked at him worried eyes Jungkook remember that he saw her with Taehyung in the kitchen. Taehyung and her are friends.

"I will look after him." She said with a small smile. Jungkook nodded his head but something on his head were saying 'do not trust anyone'

As he went inside to have a look of his lover who was still asleep. He sat there for a while looking at Taehyung's face until he heared the knock on the door and the guard was standing at door.

"Sir, Majesty is asking for you."

Jungkook nodded his head and walked out of yhe room but in his way he looked at thr maid and said with teary eyes, " Please look after him."



I had a writer block but now i got so many ideas in my head so plz stay tune for the next chapter.

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