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"I've told you before, I have something important to say to the king. I can't come here daily. I live so far," grumbled the old lady, her eyes glaring at the guards who blocked her path to the palace gates.

"Listen, grandma, as I've said before, His Highness is very sick. He can't meet anyone right now. Come back another day. Now move," the guard insisted, attempting to push her aside to make way for Hoseok's horse to enter the gates.

Hoseok, riding atop his horse with his men returning from their mission, noticed the commotion. He inquired about the situation from the guard, who quickly explained everything. Hoseok hesitated for a moment but eventually allowed the grandma to enter the gates with them.

The captured man, his face concealed by a black cloth and his body bound with ropes, was presented before Jungkook. Jungkook's anger boiled at the sight of the man's face. Woosan was summoned for clarification, and as their eyes met, one showed shock while the other displayed acceptance of his fate.

The man trembled in horror as he observed the wounds and scars on Woosan's body. He nervously gulped as he faced Jungkook's dark demeanour.

"Did you do it?" Jungkook's voice was calm but laced with intensity, wasting no energy on unnecessary words.

"Yes, it was me," the man admitted, resigning himself to his fate without creating any further drama.

"Execute him," Jungkook ordered, his tone firm and unwavering.The man had already resigned himself to his fate upon being caught, offering no resistance as the guards led him to the dungeon alongside Woosan.

Later, the old grandma arrived with Hoseok, prompting Jungkook's confusion. Hoseok remained silent, leaving Jungkook to address the elderly woman.

"Is everything okay? Do you need something?" Jungkook inquired, attempting to initiate conversation. However, the grandma merely stared at him with sorrowful eyes before speaking.

"Are you looking for someone?" she asked simply.

"Yes, I am. Do you have any information?" Jungkook responded calmly.

"Four days ago, I found a man and a baby lying in the forest. I brought them home with my husband's help. Unfortunately, the baby didn't survive, but the man is in a very bad state. He keeps calling your name in his sleep," the grandma explained.

At her words, tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes, his emotions overwhelming him. He struggled to maintain composure, deeply moved by the news of Taehyung's plight.

Jungkook's gratitude swelled as he turned to the old woman. "Thank you for your kindness. Can you tell me the location of your home?" he asked gently.

The grandma nodded, her wrinkled face softening with empathy. "Of course, Your Highness. It's not far from here," she replied, her voice tinged with compassion.

Jungkook offered her a small smile of appreciation before turning to Hoseok. "Hoseok, gather a team. We'll go to the grandma's house this evening. She'll lead the way," he instructed, determination gleaming in his eyes.

Hoseok nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "Yes, Your Highness. I'll make the arrangements immediately," he affirmed, ready to spring into action.

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