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The creaking door announced an unwelcome presence, and Taehyung, alert, locked eyes with a man concealing his face with a cloth. Haneul lay on the ground, fatigued from tears and hunger. The intruder approached Taehyung, sneering, and playfully squeezed his cheek, revealing his face to expose his face that left Taehyung in disbelief.

"Woosan?" Taehyung whispered his mind, racing to find an escape. Woosan laughed, taunting, "i can hear the wheels in your mind spinning," woosan turned around and moved toward Haneul

"I see your majesty has an heir now, but for how long...?" Woosan's ominous gaze focused on Haneul, sending chills down Taehyung's spine

"Stay away from my son!" Taehyung warned with determination, fear momentarily overridden by fierce protectiveness.

As Woosan continued his menacing circling, a sinister grin crept across his face, sending shivers down Taehyung's spine.

Suddenly, he lunged at Taehyung, catching him off guard. A sharp pain radiated through Taehyung's side as Woosan's assault intensified. Woosan tried to rip Taehyung's clothes off, sneaking his hand into Taehyung's pants, making Taehyung gasp
Despite the agony, Taehyung gritted his teeth, refusing to show weakness in front of his adversary.

Woosan continued his attacks on Taehyung's neck, licking and biting it while his hand stroked Taehyung's penis

Taehyung, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, managed to push Woosan away momentarily. However, the ropes binding him proved unyielding, leaving him vulnerable to Woosan's further advances.

Just as despair began to settle, a loud crash echoed from outside the room. The distraction provided a split-second opportunity for Taehyung to make a move. With a burst of strength, he managed to kick Woosan away, creating enough space to free himself from the ropes. The room became a battlefield of desperation and survival, setting the stage for a tense escape attempt.

"Woosan!!!" A voice came from outside alerting both of them. Taehyung's hands, which were tied, loosen up as he tried hiding it from Woosan's eyes, who was busy sweeping his pants from the dust and ran outside as once again his name was called but not forgetting to lock the door.

Taehyung struggled to his feet, wincing from the pain inflicted by Woosan's earlier assault. The ropes had loosened just enough for him to free his hands. Hastily glancing around the room, he spotted a makeshift weapon—a broken chair leg. With newfound determination, Taehyung armed himself, his mind racing to formulate a plan. Haneul, frightened, watched his father with wide eyes.

Taehyung tried opening the door, but to his luck, it was locked he didn't want to make any noises, so he stayed put, waiting for woosan or another man to enter the room as he hid behind the door.

Just as Woosan entered the room, Taehyung struck, landing a forceful blow to the back of Woosan's head. Woosan crumpled to the floor, temporarily incapacitated.The bowl he was holding with greenish fluid also spilt on the ground. Taehyung's heart raced as he assessed the situation, desperately contemplating their next move.

The voice calling for Woosan grew louder, and panic set in. Taehyung grabbed Haneul and, without a moment's hesitation, darted towards outside.

Taehyung didn't even look back once and sprinted towards the forest. He was running barefoot, so he winced once in a while when he stepped onto some sticks or pointy rocks, but he needed to escape he didn't have time to think about some minor injuries.

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