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After confessing their feelings to each other. Jungkook and Taehyung became more close to each other. Jungkook would usually spend most of his time with Taehyung whether in the library or in Taehyung's room because no one would find them there. 

Jungkook avoided any talk with his mother, because he knew his mother would always talk about his marriage with princess rosé. And he also wants to keep Taehyung away from her eyes.

Today, he is sitting with his father talking about general things but it was no more general talk when he asked, "Father was mother always like this.  She was so kind and nice when I was younger but now.....she-" Jungkook didn't know how to form his sentence because after all he's talking about his mother. The mother he loves so much but can't understand her actions.

The king only sighed, " your mother was so beautiful,kind-hearted and nice. We both fell in love with each other and it was all good after we got married but..........." Junghyun sighed and sat up straightly Jungkook helped him setting the pillows behind his back. "But... what father?" Jungkook inquired.

"It was all my fault I started to ignore her I would not come to her room for days. I would spend most of my time in my study I also neglected you I don't know what gotten into me that time...... Your mother she start suspecting me that I'm cheating on her back. she started keeping an eye on me which kept me on edge. I was working day and night to make my kingdom successful and she was thinking I was cheating on her which made me so angry.... One day I couldn't control myself and your mother and I had a huge fight  and your mother was pregnant too. After the fight I came back to apologize to her but when I saw her in the hallway so I followed her but what she did. It broke me all my world crashed down on me. I -I couldn't forgive your mother after what she d-did." Few tears left Junghyun eyes as Jungkook looked at his father with blank face mixed feelings in his heart that he couldn't describe right now.

But to clear his confusion he asked again, "What she did that night?"  Junghyun looked at his son with sadness and wiped his tears with his hands full of wrinkles and veins popping out. "She-" before he could say anything the door slammed open and entered inside the queen with her guard behind her but seeing Jungkook sitting on the chair she straighten her posture and smiled towards her son.

"My son what are you doing here. Didn't you have to leave to Min Clan for paperwork?" She asked and glance towards her husband hiding her shaking hands. "Why are you asking me that can't I visit my father now." Jungkook didn't even glance at her mother and retorted back.

"No son that's not what I meant. I thought you were in your room........however could you leave me and your father alone. I have to talk to him." Hara squeezed Jungkook's shoulder with a forced smile while Jungkook watched his father for a hint to stay with him but junghyun only gave him a small nod which Jungkook understood, lastly passing a small smile to his father he left the room.

He tried to hear what they're talking about but couldn't because the door was heavy no voice could be heard from the inside so he sighed and left the hallway making his way to his room thinking about the talk he had with his father a while ago. 'what mother did that made father distant from her.'

In the king's room

"I hope you're doing good." Hara asked with not so interested face in which Junghyun huffed, "thanks to my son he's taking good care of me."

"well I'm not surprised, here sign the papers I want the authority over orphanage and schools. You can't have all of the things!" Hara demanded and stood up from her seat throwing the papers on Junghyun's lap.

Junghyun without looking at the papers sat them on his side table, "I won't sign anything unless it's divorce papers. In the cornation day I will hand over all of the authority to my son and you will have nothing. Keep this in your mind woman!" Junghyun spat angrily and start coughing feeling hard to breathe he tried to fill up his glass with water but hara snatch the jug of water from him and put it on the table far from the bed.

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