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As the coachman announced their arrival, Jungkook peered out the window to behold the grand Jeon Castle before him. The sight of his home filled him with a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Upon seeing Prince Jungkook's unexpected arrival, the servants were taken aback, as they had not been informed in advance. Reacting swiftly, one of the servants hurried to the carriage and opened the door, welcoming the prince back to the castle.
Stepping out of the carriage, Jungkook greeted the servant with a warm smile before making his way directly to the kitchen.

He anticipated finding Seokjin there,  definitely yelling at maids for not doing their work.

As Jungkook entered the kitchen, he playfully remarked, "I see you didn't even miss me," catching Seokjin off guard. Startled by the unexpected voice, Seokjin looked up in disbelief, exclaiming, "Oh my lord! Is that you, Jungkook? I can't believe you're here!"

In his excitement, Seokjin accidentally knocked over a chair, which clattered to the floor, before enveloping Jungkook in a tight hug. Jungkook, feigning distress, quipped, "Hyung, I don't want to die like this," prompting Seokjin to release him, apologizing for his exuberance and expressing how much he had missed his "baby bunny" with a gentle smile.

Jungkook, in jest, teased Seokjin, "But you were just going to kill me right now," adding a touch of humor to the heartfelt reunion.

"Ooh shush, young man you won't die this easily." Seokjin, impressed by Jungkook's grown-up appearance, couldn't help but comment on his physique, teasing him playfully.

Jungkook, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment at the attention, tried to deflect the compliments, "Hyung stop you can't talk to a prince like this."

"come with me there are so many things. I want to tell you." As Seokjin insisted on sharing things with Jungkook, he eagerly led the prince away from the kitchen, much to Jungkook's surprise.

"But, Hyung you were cooking." Jungkook pointed out Seokjin's unfinished task. "The maids will handle it." However, Seokjin reassured him that the maids would take care of it, emphasizing the importance of their conversation over culinary duties.

In the old room where Seokjin used to stay, jungkook would often spend his days here with Seokjin, now occupied by memories of the past, a sense of nostalgia lingered in the air.

Jungkook, observing Hyung's somber demeanor, inquired about his apparent distress,"What happened? You seem stressed."  but Hyung only shook his head.

"Did you meet the Queen?" he asked. "No, not yet. I haven't met anyone yet," I replied. Hyung nodded and gazed at me with emotions in his eyes. At first, I couldn't understand why Hyung was so quiet.

"Jungkook, I want to tell you something," Hyung said, looking into my eyes as if searching for something.
"Yes, Hyung, I'm listening. You can tell me," I reassured him.

Then, with a pause, he continued, "Jungkook, Namjoon and I love each other." He seemed to wait for my response, but I was speechless, unsure of what to say next. His revelation left me surprised and unsure how to react.

This was new for Jungkook, the idea of two men loving each other. It was something he had never encountered before. Concerned about hurting Hyung's feelings, Jungkook chose to remain silent.

"We are both going to get married this month," Hyung continued, closing his eyes after sharing this news.
Jungkook, feeling overwhelmed, gently patted Seokjin's shoulder, hoping their conversation remained private. "How? I mean, you two are men? Is this even possible?" he asked, his confusion evident.

Seokjin looked at Jungkook, surprised by his reaction. "Jungkook... I thought-"
"I'm sorry, Hyung, but this is all new to me. I'm not sure how to respond. Please forgive me if I say something wrong. Let's avoid discussing this topic,"

Jungkook interrupted, trying to navigate the unfamiliar situation delicately.
Understanding Jungkook's discomfort, Seokjin changed the subject, asking, "How's everything around there? Is there anything new you'd like to share with me?"

"Yeah, everything is good there. I made lots of friends. Park Jimin and I became really close," Jungkook shared enthusiastically.

"Park Jimin?" Seokjin questioned, seeking clarification.
"Yes, Jimin. He's the son of the commander-in-chief. His father serves as a lieutenant in our navy," Jungkook explained.

The two continued their conversation until there was a knock on the door, followed by a voice. "May I come in, sire?" asked the maid from outside.

"Yes, you may," Jungkook replied. After hearing his response, the maid entered the room, bowing her head before him. "My prince, the queen is calling you to her chamber. She wishes to meet you."

Jungkook dismissed the maid, saying, "Tell her I'll come meet her after taking a bath, and prepare one for me." He looked at Hyung, who was already gazing at him. Seokjin stood up from the bed with a smile and hugged Jungkook, saying, "Thanks, now go take a bath. You reek of sweat." He made a disgusted face while pinching his nose, eliciting a laugh from Jungkook.

After taking a bath, Jungkook stood outside his mother's room, he knocked on the door. In response, he heard his mother's hushed voice inviting him in with a soft, "Come in."

Entering the room, Jungkook found his mother seated in a chair, holding a cup of tea as she gazed out the window. "Mother, you called for me?" he asked, his expression showing his lack of interest in conversing with her at that moment.

"Oh, you came. I thought you might ignore me again," his mother remarked,"Yes, I came. What are you talking about? I never ignored you, Mother," Jungkook frowned, taking a seat in front of her and reaching for a cup of tea to soothe his exhaustion and headache.

As Jungkook sat with his mother, "So how was your stay at my brother's palace. Did he take good care of you, you didn't feel uncomfortable there right?" she inquired about his stay at his uncle's palace,  Despite his growing headache, Jungkook maintained a polite facade, "Yeah mother I enjoyed my stay there," assuring his mother that he had enjoyed his time and completed his training.

During the conversation jungkook would often rub his temple constantly sighing. Sensing his fatigue, his mother suggested he rest on her bed, but Jungkook declined, expressing his desire to retire to his own room. Standing up, he politely asked if he could leave, to which his mother agreed, ruffling his hair affectionately as he departed.

Unbeknownst to Jungkook, his mother's smile faded as he left the room, and a hidden figure emerged from the closet, their presence unnoticed by the departing prince.

When Jungkook got to his room, he told the guard outside not to let anyone in and to say he was resting if anyone asked about him, saying he'd meet them the next day. He changed into comfy silk pajamas and soon fell asleep as soon as he lay down on his bed.

How was ittt!!!! Hope you liked the chapter.

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