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I found myself slumped on the couch, engulfed in my own world of despair when Steve and Bucky approached me. Steve settled down beside me, concern etched across his face. I glanced up briefly, my gaze then shifting back down to my locked phone, my only connection to the outside world.

In that moment, my phone buzzed, indicating a new message. I couldn't help but notice it, and I saw the name "Liz" on the screen. My heart sank, and I sensed that my dads had also noticed the message. Their eyes bore into me, their voices laced with worry as they asked, "Hey, um, do you want to tell us what's on your phone?"

Feeling the weight of their expectations, I shook my head and rose from the couch. Before I could make my escape, Bucky reached out and grabbed my arm, his eyes pleading. "Can we take a look?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of concern and curiosity.

I turned to face them, my defiance taking hold. With a roll of my eyes, I attempted to shrug off Bucky's grip, realizing a split second too late the mistake I had made. I managed to slip away and raced towards the sanctuary of my room, seeking refuge from their prying eyes.

But my refuge was short-lived. A resounding bang echoed through the room as Bucky pounded on the door. My breath caught in my throat, memories of my real dad's anger flooding my mind. The panic attack I had been suppressing took hold, causing me to crumple to the floor, tears streaming down my face.

Bucky's concern morphed into urgency as he kicked down the door, revealing me on the floor, consumed by my own anguish. Without hesitation, he rushed to my side, attempting to calm me down, his touch gentle and soothing.

Ten agonizing minutes passed before the panic subsided, leaving me drained and inconsolable. As I lay there, gasping for breath, Steve entered the room, his eyes filled with worry as he took in the scene before him. Without uttering a word, he knelt down beside us, gently brushing my hair away from my tear-stained face.

Another five minutes passed, and the tears began to ebb. Fatigue set in, and a yawn escaped my lips. Steve broke the silence, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and practicality. "I wanted to come up and tell you guys that the food is ready," he said softly.

Feigning sleep, I remained motionless, hoping to evade their questioning. However, Bucky saw through my ruse. He lifted me up effortlessly, carrying me to the couch, where he noticed my biting habit resurfacing. "Y/N, come on, don't pretend to sleep, doll," he said with a knowing look. "I can always tell when you're awake."

Sighing, I reluctantly opened my eyes, meeting their concerned gaze. Steve's voice cracked the silence, the urgency in his tone evident. "What's wrong? What happened? Why won't you let us see your phone?" His questions hung heavy in the air, demanding answers.

I shrugged my shoulders, avoiding their gaze as I looked away, the weight of my secrets too heavy to bear. Bucky, however, took matters into his own hands and attempted to unlock my phone. In a moment of panic, I shouted, "No! Leave my phone alone! What do you want from me? Just leave me alone, okay?!"

Realizing the gravity of my outburst, I snatched my phone away and made a hasty retreat, intending to flee from their presence. But Steve's firm grip halted my escape, and before I knew it, I found myself being ushered into the bathroom by Bucky. Panic still gripped me as he tried to calm me down, but my mind was a whirlwind of emotions.

My fears and past traumas were colliding with the present, making it nearly impossible to distinguish between them. In my desperation, I slapped and kicked, trying to break free from their grasp. "No! Leave me alone, please! I'm sorry!" I cried, my voice breaking.

But my dads were persistent, and they knew I needed their support. Steve held me gently yet firmly, attempting to reassure me while Bucky turned off the shower, recognizing that it was causing me distress.

Eventually, the storm of emotions subsided, and I found myself trembling on the bathroom floor. I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. My dads wrapped me in a towel and tried to dry my hair, offering comfort in their touch.

Still, the guilt gnawed at me, knowing that I had lashed out and caused them concern. After a few moments, I mustered the strength to stand up, my legs wobbling beneath me.

Feeling the weight of my mistakes, I slowly made my way back to my room, intending to write in my diary to express the turmoil within me. However, my dads followed, their love and concern evident in their expressions.

They sat by my side, their comforting presence filling the room. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by their love and worry for me. Tears welled up in my eyes again, but this time, I held them back, not wanting to burden them any further.

"Do you have anything you want to tell us, sweetheart?" Bucky asked gently, his voice warm and understanding.

I hesitated, feeling torn between the urge to share my pain and the fear of burdening them. In the end, I decided to open up, trusting them with my vulnerability. "I'm just... I'm struggling, Dad," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "It's hard at school, and those messages... they hurt."

Steve reached out and pulled me into a comforting embrace. "You don't have to go through this alone, Y/N," he said, his voice soothing. "We're here for you, no matter what. You're not alone, and you never will be."

His words resonated deep within me, and the weight of my secrets finally began to lift. I leaned into their embrace, feeling safe and loved. I knew that I could rely on them, confide in them, and find solace in their unwavering support.

As the evening unfolded, my dads made sure I ate something, reminding me of the importance of taking care of myself. They stayed by my side, watching a movie together, offering a sense of comfort and belonging that I desperately needed.

Eventually, exhaustion caught up with me, and I dozed off, finding peace in their presence. When I woke up later, I joined them downstairs and felt a sense of calm settle within me as we shared a meal together.

In that moment, I realized how lucky I was to have Steve and Bucky as my dads. They might not have been perfect, but their love was unconditional, their support unwavering, and their understanding profound.

As we sat together, a sense of hope washed over me. With my dads by my side, I knew I could face the challenges that life threw my way. No longer burdened by my secrets, I felt like I was finally ready to take on the world, knowing that I had my two loving dads standing right beside me.

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