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Bucky:„ y/n Open the door!"

Y/n:„yup wait..."

I put the sweets into the drawer where the belts were and opened the door.

Bucky:„what was taking so long?"


Bucky:„show me your arms now!"


Bucky:„cause I want to make sure that you don't hurt yourself!"

Y/n:„its None of your business!"

He took my arm sleeved up the sleeves and saw that nothing was there.

Y/n:„i told you!"

Bucky:„ok...so now you can search after dad's belt!"

Y/n:„why should I? He lost it!"

Bucky:„i don't care you're gonna do it now!"

Y/n:„i don't want to I'm tired!"



Bucky:„she's not listening again!"

Steve:„y/n! Do what dad says!"

Y/n:„no?! You lost your belt so you must find it again!"

Bucky:„ yeah we don't have a belt to punish you but we have hands! So you better go and help dad!"

I pushed them aside and walked out.

Steve:„so you're gonna search in every room upstairs and I'm gonna search downstairs !"

Natasha:„my belt is gone!"

Tony:„mine too! I need it now!"

Suddenly everyone was standing there and searching after their belts.

Tony:„have you found something guys?!"




Clint:„we searched everywhere!"

Wanda:„except y/n's room!"

Y/n:„i have No belts in my room!"

Wanda:„can we just look?"

They started searching and then Steve opened the drawer.

Steve:„i found them! Everyone go out now! I think I must talk with someone!"

I wanted to walk out too but he grabbed my arm and dragged me back inside.

Steve:„what's that?!"



He pointed at the candy and I looked away.

Steve:„ answer me god damn it!"

Y/n:„stop shouting..." I whispered.


Y/n:„stop shouting...."

Steve:„i can't hear you!"


He slapped me and I started crying.

Steve:„so? Why did you ate the candy?..."

I didn't answer and didn't stop crying.

Steve:„answer me!"

Y/n:„i don't know..."

Steve:„where do you have it from?"

I didn't answer again and wanted to turn around but saw Bucky standing there.

Steve:„ y/n! Answer me god damn it!"

Y/n:„i won't tell you..."

Steve:„you're not gonna tell me?!"


Steve:„alright then the hard way!"

He took a glass with water and spilled it over me.

Steve:„not gonna tell me?"


He repeated it 6 times but I didn't answer.

Steve:„ok that was the first level! You better tell me now!"

Y/n:„no! Because it's none of your business!"

He put me under the shower and now it was colder then last time.

Steve:„still not gonna tell me?"


He put out his belt and hit me.

With one hand he was holding my arm and with the second his belt after a minute I felt to my knees shivering.

Steve:„stand up!"

I stood up, ran to the corner of the shower and let myself slide down the wall.

He couldn't reach me so he jumped into the shower and hit me 5 more times.

Steve:„still not gonna tell me?"

Y/n:„stop please..."

Steve:„will you tell me?"

Y/n:„stop! Please! I'm sorry..."

He stopped and we looked at eachother breathing heavily.

Steve:„will you tell me now?"


Steve:„ok so you're gonna stay in here 15 minutes!"

I ran up to him and clung up to him.

Steve:„let me out y/n!"

I started holding his shirt and Bucky tried to help Steve to get me off of him.

Steve:„last chance! Will you tell me?!"


He took the belt and started hitting me but I didn't let go of him.

A minute later they made it and left me there for 15 minutes.

~15 minutes later~

Bucky:„here!" He gave me a towel and something to change into.

20 minutes later I was done and walked out.

Steve:„so why were the belts in your drawer?"

I walked past them and wanted to lay down but I couldn't see anything cause of the tears so as I wanted to lay down I let myself fall down on the floor.

Bucky helped me up and sat me down.

Steve:„why were they there?"

Y/n:„i don't know..."

Steve:„did you took them?"

I nodded and laid down.


Y/n:„i don't know!"

They started asking questions but I felt asleep some minutes later.



Love y'all!



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