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I awoke at 6 p.m., my mind immediately consumed with the desire to speak with Mia. However, an insidious necklace clung to my neck, rendering me unable to contact her. Frustrated, I attempted to break the wretched accessory, but my efforts were futile.

"Y/n, don't even try," Steve cautioned, his voice heavy with concern.

Confused, I managed to mutter, "Wha-"

Tony interjected, his tone somber yet resolute, "This is for the best, for you and all of us!"

"NO!?" I exclaimed, desperation lacing my voice. "Put it down! Peter, please..."

Peter's voice trembled with regret as he apologized, "I'm so, so sorry, y/n..."

"No, you're not!" I cried out in anguish. "PUT IT THE FUCK DOWN NOW!"

In the midst of my despair, Bucky, the ever-stalwart presence, pleaded with me, "Baby doll, please... don't be so hard on yourself..."

"I'm NOT!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face. Overwhelmed, I sought solace in Loki's embrace, his arms enveloping me in a tender hug.

Gradually, my sobs subsided, but I still clung to Loki, finding comfort in his presence. Sensing my need, he softly requested, "Could you let me out, princess?"

Releasing Loki from our embrace, I retreated to the bathroom, seeking a momentary refuge from the heartache. Pepper's voice gently reached me, announcing that food was ready, but I dismissed her offer, declaring, "I'm not hungry..."

Bucky, concerned for my well-being, attempted to reason with me, but I swung open the door, determined to make a stand. "No, I'm not going to eat until you put this thing down!"

Thor, recognizing the severity of my resolve, tried to placate me, firmly guiding me to sit down. However, even as the hunger gnawed at my stomach, I refused to consume anything. Despite their concerted efforts to feed me, I defiantly spat out each morsel.

"Y/n! Eat!" Steve implored, his voice tinged with a mix of worry and frustration.

"NO!" I retorted, my defiance echoing through the room. Relenting to my adamant refusal, they finally released me, allowing me to escape to the solitude of my room.

As the evening wore on, hunger eventually gripped me at 10 p.m., forcing me downstairs to find everyone gathered on the couch, engaging in light-hearted banter with Morgan. I ate something in silence, and without uttering a word, I bid them all goodnight. My father's concerned gazes shifted between me and Morgan, their unspoken worries piercing my heart. Fighting back tears, I ascended the stairs, making my way to my room, my sanctuary.

The clock struck midnight, and in an act of desperation, I leaped out of my window into the night. Lukas, a companion I met on my impulsive adventure, remarked, "Wow, you're hot, baby girl!"

"Shut up!" I snapped, my emotions running high.

Apologizing for his comment, Lukas urged, "Sorry, sweetie!"

Together, we rode on his motorcycle, the wind whipping through my hair as we raced into the night. Lost in the music and the movement, I danced and laughed, momentarily forgetting the weight that burdened my soul. Eventually, Lukas returned with some friends, and in a moment of vulnerability, I revealed the necklace that had tormented me. Lukas, without hesitation, shattered it, and in that moment, I couldn't help but kiss him.

"Lukas, you're the best. Thank you!" I murmured gratefully.

He smiled and replied, "No problem, darling."

With newfound freedom coursing through my veins, we indulged in passionate kisses, the alcohol further blurring my senses. At 3 a.m., Lukas, mindful of my well-being, drove me back home. In a reckless display, I leapt through my window and stumbled into my room.

Tony's stern voice pierced the air, demanding, "Where were you?!"

"Pf, I-I don't know. Do you?" I slurred, my intoxication apparent.

Concern etched across Bucky's face, he asked, "Y/n?! Are you drunk?!"

"Maybe, maybe not!" I slurred in response, my words barely coherent.

Steve, bewildered by my behavior, inquired with genuine worry, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing! What's wrong with you?!" I spat out, the anger and pain brewing within me.

Recognizing my state, Tony interjected, suggesting that I should sleep and that we would talk the next day. My father and Tony departed, leaving me alone in my room with my swirling thoughts.

At 4 a.m., my bedroom door creaked open, revealing my father and Steve standing in the doorway, witnessing my tear-streaked face as I conversed with Mia, a voice only I could hear.

"If they had let me talk to you, I wouldn't have gone to that goddamn party," I lamented, my voice choked with sorrow.

Mia, her voice filled with understanding, replied, "Cutie, I know. But look, you can't talk to me every day, especially when you feel lonely."

Desperation lacing my voice, I pleaded, "Wait, you won't leave me alone here, right?"

Mia's response came as a painful blow, "Y/n..."

"No, no..." I choked on my words, tears streaming down my face. "When can I be with you...?"

A single tear cascaded down my cheek, my gaze fixed on my trembling hands. Bucky and Steve, witnessing my anguish, enveloped me in their comforting embrace.

"Missy, stop. She's just in your head, okay?" Steve softly implored, his voice a balm to my shattered spirit.

I resisted, vehemently denying their claims. "No! Get out now!"

Steve, unwilling to let go, covered my mouth while Bucky clung to me, refusing to release his hold. Overwhelmed by the weight of my emotions, I broke down completely.

As the minutes passed, exhaustion overcame me, and I slipped into a fitful sleep. Bucky and Steve remained by my side, providing the solace and warmth of their presence.

Cuddled between them, I awoke at 11 a.m., the echoes of my father and Tony's conversation drifting into my room. The formal tone of their discussion resonated with a sense of seriousness and concern.

Recounting my tumultuous night, I poured out my tears and words, seeking understanding and acceptance.

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