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They led me out of the bathroom and settled me into their bed. As they attempted to leave, I clung tightly to Steve's arm, unwilling to let go. Sensing my distress, he laid down beside me, enveloping me in his comforting embrace. Sobbing in my sleep, I found solace in his presence, his soothing touch soothing my troubled mind.

In the early hours, around 2 am, restlessness consumed me, and I cried out, trapped in the confines of a nightmare. My dads, alarmed by my distress, tried to wake me, but I remained trapped in the clutches of my dreams.

"Y/n, missy, wake up... hey?!" Steve's voice was filled with urgency.

Confusion and panic colored Bucky's voice as he asked, "What's wrong? Why isn't she waking up?!"

Steve's desperation grew, "I don't fucking know! Missy, wake up!"

In my sleep, I mumbled, "Let me go... I-I-I want my mom! Let me go!"

Bucky, desperately attempting to rouse me from my torment, reassured, "Hey, come on, doll, wake up. It's just a dream!"

With a scream, I jolted awake. My surroundings came into focus, and I realized that everyone in the room was staring at me. I glanced down at my hand, horrified to see my nails embedded in Steve's arms. Tears welled up in my eyes, and with trembling hands, I released my grip.

Steve, ever compassionate, quickly dismissed my concern, "No, no, no, Missy, it's fine!"

Overwhelmed with guilt, I stammered, "I'm so, so sorry..."

Bucky's voice, filled with tenderness, reassured me, "Is everything alright, dolly?"

Nodding, I looked at Steve's arm, a visible reminder of my unintended harm. Seeking to rectify my actions, I sat up in the "W" position, a familiar and comforting pose. However, my dads approached me, recognizing the significance of my posture, and gently took hold of my ankles, guiding me to sit properly.

Morgan's voice broke through the tension, her curiosity piqued, "What happened here?"

Upon seeing her, I flinched instinctively, fearing any sudden movements. However, her innocent concern compelled me to embrace her. Morgan questioned me with wide eyes, "Y/n... what happened?"

Unable to provide a clear answer, I whispered, "I really don't know, little one..."

Tony, ever the responsible father, interjected, "Morgan, it's bedtime!"

She pleaded, her pleas falling on deaf ears as Tony insisted, "Come on!"

Morgan reluctantly left with Tony and Pepper, the other Avengers following suit. Left alone with my dads, I sat back down in the "W" position, absentmindedly scratching at my hand. Bucky and Steve exchanged concerned glances, observing my behavior.

Bucky's voice grew stern as he implored, "Y/n, sit down normally!"

With a touch of defiance, I responded, "I am sitting..."

His voice tinged with frustration, Bucky pressed, "I mean it!"

Equally resolved, I retorted, "I mean it too!"

Steve's gaze shifted between us, a mix of surprise and concern etched on his face. Bucky, overcome by a surge of emotions, approached me, his presence looming over me. Fear gripped me, causing me to shiver involuntarily.

Bucky's voice hardened, "Sit. Down. Normally!"

Defiance welled up within me, and tears streamed down my face as I refused, "No."

Without hesitation, Bucky grasped my ankles, forcing me to sit properly. A sharp pain shot through me as my ankle cracked, causing me to cry out, "Ow, fuck!"

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