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Peter and MJ were locked in a passionate kiss, their lips intertwined shamelessly. My anger simmered within me, threatening to boil over, but exhaustion weighed me down, making it difficult to summon the energy to confront them. Frustrated, I resorted to biting the inside of my mouth, a feeble attempt to distract myself from the hurt.

But they saw me. Their eyes locked onto mine, guilt etched across their faces. Peter, the one I had trusted and confided in, had betrayed me. My voice trembled as I tried to mask my pain. "Nothing," I muttered, my words barely audible.

In that moment, I heard the footsteps of my father and the others descending the stairs. Sensing the tension, Peter and MJ hastily exited the compound, leaving me to deal with the aftermath of their betrayal. Alone, I stared blankly at my hands, feeling the weight of the world upon my shoulders.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms enveloped me, pulling me into an embrace. It was Bucky, a source of comfort amidst the chaos. His voice, barely above a whisper, pierced through the silence. "I told you to stop with that doll," he murmured, his words a mix of concern and frustration. I fell silent, allowing his words to sink in, before he released me.

As we gathered around the table for dinner, a question burned within me, desperate to escape. "Um, a question," I hesitated, my voice barely audible. "We have to practice for dance class, so I need to go meet some friends. Am I allowed to?" The others nodded their approval, granting me the freedom I sought. I quickly made the necessary arrangements, packing my belongings and heading downstairs.

My father drove me to meet my friends, Sophie and a few others. As I bid my family farewell, I eagerly jumped out of the car, enveloping my friends in a tight hug. Hours passed as we practiced our dance routine, losing ourselves in the art form.

When my father returned to pick me up, he witnessed us in the midst of our passionate dance. As he approached, I released my friends, embracing my family once more. With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to the others, knowing that the comfort they provided would be fleeting.

It was already 6 pm, and sleep eluded me once again. My father, noticing my restlessness, questioned my inability to find solace. "Why aren't you asleep?" he inquired, concern evident in his voice. I shrugged, my weariness masked by a restless energy. "I'm not tired yet," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Bucky, ever the protector, chimed in, his gaze fixed upon me. "Maybe she'll fall asleep at home, honey. She shouldn't have to rely on sleeping in the car every time." My father nodded in understanding, silently acknowledging the weight I carried.

Upon arriving at the compound, I changed into comfortable clothes and made my way downstairs, seeking solace among my loved ones. I embraced them all tightly, finding solace in their presence. Natasha, Pepper, Wanda, and Morgan, sensing my need for comfort, had thoughtfully bought food, a small gesture that spoke volumes.

As we gathered around the table, the weight of my emotions settled upon me. The room was filled with bittersweet silence, each bite of food a reminder of the turmoil brewing within. The sadness lingered, intertwining with the aroma of the meal, as we navigated through the complexities of our fractured relationships.

As I attempted to find a seat, Peter mischievously moved his leg, causing me to trip and fall to the ground. Laughter erupted from his lips, and the impact caused my nose to start bleeding. Ignoring his cruel amusement, I brushed myself off and walked away, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing my pain.

Wanda, always perceptive and caring, approached me and gently wiped the blood from my nose. We found a quiet spot to sit down, seeking solace in each other's company. Chinese food lay before us, a comfort in the midst of the turmoil. Despite the heaviness in my heart, I remained silent, unable to find the words to express my emotions.

As we finished our meal, I stared down at my full plate, a reflection of the emptiness within me. Bucky, ever attentive, sat down behind me and began feeding me, a tender gesture that contrasted sharply with Peter's mocking laughter. I looked at him, confusion evident in my eyes, and asked, "Uh, what?"

Peter giggled, attempting to belittle me once more. His words stung, but I refused to let him diminish my worth. I turned away, standing up and walking towards him with determination. His provocative gaze only fueled my anger, prompting me to slap him with all my might. "I'm not a little kid, you bastard!" I exclaimed, tears streaming down my cheeks. Feeling a mix of both satisfaction and pain, I walked away, my gaze fixed on the floor.

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, and my mood swings intensified. I struggled to find sleep, my mind plagued with restless thoughts. Eventually, my fathers entered the room, their worried expressions softening as they saw me sitting on my bed, clutching my phone and diary. Without hesitation, they sat down beside me, offering comfort and understanding. Bucky gently stroked my hair behind my ear, his touch soothing my troubled soul. They could see my tears, and they enveloped me in a warm embrace.

In a moment of vulnerability, I whispered, "I miss Mia..." Bucky's embrace tightened, his arms providing a sense of security amidst the pain. After a few minutes, exhaustion overcame me, and I pretended to be asleep, resting my head on his chest. With tender care, he lifted me and placed me gently onto my bed. They left the room, taking my phone with them, hoping to provide me with a respite from the world.

But sleep eluded me still. I waited until the early hours of the morning, my restlessness driving me downstairs. The sight that greeted me was unexpected yet familiar - the Avengers, gathered together, engaged in conversation and indulging in drinks. Bucky, concerned, questioned my presence. "Doll, what are you doing here? You should be asleep!" His words held a mix of affection and admonishment, a reflection of his concern for my well-being.

Steve, with a mix of patience and concern, implored me to go to bed and get some sleep. I stuttered, my voice betraying my exhaustion, "B-b-but I can't..."

Steve, determined to help, encouraged me, "Come on, give it a try." His words carried a sense of reassurance, a reminder that he was there for me.

Frustration welled up within me, and I pleaded with him, "Dad, please, I can't sleep, I swear!" Desperation tinged my voice, a reflection of the restlessness that plagued me.

Steve let out a sigh, recognizing the depth of my struggle. He took hold of my arm and gently guided me into my room. I protested, my voice filled with desperation, "Please, I can't sleep!" But he closed the door, leaving me alone in the dimly lit room.

Feeling the weight of my emotions, I turned on the light and sought solace in my diary. Words spilled from my pen, a cathartic release of the thoughts swirling within me. But before I could finish, the door creaked open, interrupting my sanctuary.

Bucky and Steve stood in the doorway, their gazes fixed upon me. Panic washed over me, and I quickly hid my diary, fearing their judgment. Bucky questioned me, his voice filled with curiosity, "Why aren't you asleep?"

Stammering, I struggled to find the right words, "I-I-I, uh, I was, but then I had a nightmare and, uh, woke up..." My voice trailed off, the admission of my vulnerability hanging in the air.

Steve, ever the voice of reason, reminded me of the late hour, "It's 3 am, come on, go to sleep." His tone held a mix of gentle scolding and concern, a reminder of the importance of rest.

But I couldn't comply. The restlessness within me persisted, defying the call for sleep. The frustration in my voice grew, "I can't!" I pleaded, my exhaustion mingling with my desperation.

Bucky, understanding my struggle, relented. "Alright," he conceded, his voice filled with empathy. He approached me, scooping me up into his arms, and carried me into their room. I lay between them, my head resting on Bucky's chest, finding solace in the warmth and comfort they provided.

The room grew quiet, and a sense of calm settled over me. Yet, sleep eluded me still. I lay awake, my mind racing, unable to find the peace that slumber promised.

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