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When the Avengers arrived, Bruce approached me, his demeanor calm and reassuring. He gently placed a thermometer against my forehead, silently assessing my condition. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Bucky carefully lowered me onto a nearby chair, his eyes filled with genuine concern. Bruce proceeded to conduct a series of tests, hoping to shed light on the underlying cause of my illness. However, as he prepared to draw my blood, a surge of fear overwhelmed me, causing me to scream and bolt from the lab.

Bucky and Steve swiftly pursued me, their voices filled with both urgency and compassion. Bucky pleaded with me, his voice laced with desperation. "Doll, it won't hurt, okay? Please, it's for your own good." Despite their persuasive words, I vigorously shook my head, attempting to break free from Bucky's gentle hold, yet my weakened state prevented me from doing so. Steve, recognizing the need for a firmer approach, spoke with a firm resolve. "Please, we don't want to do it the hard way, missy. But we will if we have to."

Tears streamed down my face as I witnessed Bruce approaching me with the dreaded injection. Panic seized my senses, and I fought against their grasp, my cries echoing through the room. But then, in the midst of my anguish, I felt the unwavering strength of my fathers as they held me tightly, their embrace offering a semblance of security in the midst of the storm. Their love and determination prevailed, and despite my protests, the injection was administered, eliciting a cacophony of screams, tears, and flailing limbs.

Exhausted and trembling, I succumbed to the overwhelming nausea once more, doubling over in agony as my body purged itself. The room filled with concerned faces as everyone hurried to my side, their worry etched across their features. As I finished retching, my body sought solace against Bucky's chest, my breathing labored and erratic.

Bucky tenderly attempted to calm me, whispering soothing words amidst my sobs. After what felt like an eternity, exhaustion finally claimed me, and I drifted into a restless slumber, my frail form gently laid upon the lab's bed.

Within the realm of dreams, darkness became my oppressor. Alone and afraid, I cried out for my fathers, yearning for their comforting presence. To my shock and horror, they materialized before me, wearing twisted smiles that betrayed their love. The embrace I sought was met with harsh slaps, accompanied by cruel words that shattered my heart. They turned on me, unleashing their fury, culminating in a horrific scene where my mother and I met a tragic fate.

Tears streamed down my face, my body racked with sobs as I awakened to a room filled with concerned Avengers. The rapid rise and fall of my chest mirrored my frenzied breathing. Fear gripped me, causing me to recoil from Steve's approach, and again when Bucky drew near. Overwhelmed by a rising panic attack, I struggled to regain control.

In that moment, my fathers enveloped me in a tender embrace, their voices a soothing balm to my troubled soul. "It was just a dream, honey. Just a dream," they whispered, their words a lifeline amidst the chaos of my mind. Gradually, their reassurances calmed the tempest within, allowing my trembling body to gradually relax.

However, the respite was short-lived, as a throbbing pain erupted within my head. Wanda, ever in tune with her powers, delved into my thoughts, attempting to offer understanding. When she finished, I glared at her, my voice laced with a mixture of confusion and anger. "Why did you do that?" I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of vulnerability and frustration.

Wanda's expression softened, her eyes reflecting remorse. With a subdued tone, she replied, "I'm sorry, little one. I didn't mean to invade your thoughts. I was only trying to understand."

Feeling the weight of their presence, I found solace in Natasha's embrace. I clung to her, my tears staining her shoulder as I continued to sob uncontrollably. The anguish within me seemed insurmountable, and it was in this vulnerable state that Bucky burst into the room, tears glistening in his eyes.

"Dolly, we love you more than anything," he choked out between sobs, his voice heavy with emotion. "We would never hurt you or let anything worse happen to you. Please know that."

His words pierced through my pain, stirring a sense of guilt within me. I hurriedly moved towards him, seeking to offer comfort in return. I wrapped my arms around him, my weak frame supported by his sturdy embrace. In the midst of my coughs and shivers, his presence provided a semblance of warmth and security.

Steve joined our embrace, his arms enveloping both Bucky and me. Together, we formed a tight-knit circle, a united front against the trials that besieged us. Time seemed to stand still as we held onto one another, seeking solace in the comfort of our love and shared strength.

After a while, as the tremors within my body subsided, a wave of dizziness washed over me, rendering me unable to stand on my own. Steve swiftly lifted me into his arms, his hold both gentle and protective. Carefully, he placed me back on the bed, and Bruce approached once again, concern etched on his features.

Taking my temperature, Bruce shared the reading with the others. "It's 39.9," he revealed, his voice tinged with worry. In an effort to alleviate my discomfort, he retrieved two chilled towels, placing one beneath my neck and the other upon my forehead. The coolness provided a fleeting respite from the burning sensation that plagued me.

"She should try to get more rest," Bruce suggested, his concern evident in his tone. As the other Avengers left the room, eager to respect my need for solitude, Natasha remained by my side, her presence unwavering.

With her comforting presence, I gradually drifted into sleep once more, although the lingering pain from the injection persisted. Bucky continued to stroke my hair gently, his touch a soothing caress. Though my slumber was restless, the bond we shared offered a semblance of peace in the midst of my troubled dreams.

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