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Clad in my dad's shirt, I descended the stairs to join Bruce and Tony, who awaited me for the promised tests. Despite the weight of the situation, I managed to eat a plate of fruits, trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy. Sharon's presence cast a shadow, her silent gaze piercing through me as if holding secrets of her own.

Just as the heaviness threatened to engulf me, Peter approached, his voice hesitant and filled with nervous anticipation. He stuttered through his words, stumbling over his own emotions as he presented me with a small box. Inside, a breathtaking ring, necklace, and bracelet sparkled, their beauty momentarily lifting the weight from my heart. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I embraced Peter, feeling the necklace slide delicately against my skin as he secured it in place.

Soon after, my dads joined in the festivities, presenting me with their own carefully chosen gift. Tears welled in my eyes as I unwrapped the package, revealing a dress that held deep sentimental value. It was the same dress I had always dreamed of wearing alongside Mia—a beautiful blue gown adorned with long sleeves and sparkling embellishments. Embracing them tightly, I repeated my gratitude, my heart brimming with appreciation for their thoughtfulness.

Each person in the room offered a small token of their affection, showering me with presents that served as tangible reminders of their love and support. Gratefulness overwhelmed me, even as a tiny flicker of sadness lingered in the depths of my being.

Seeking solace and a moment of self-reflection, I retreated to my room, standing before the mirror to admire my appearance. But as I gazed upon my reflection, an unease settled within me, prompting me to abandon my self-reflection prematurely. With a heavy sigh, I descended the stairs once again, my mind clouded with confusion and worry.

Bruce guided me towards a mysterious machine, instructing me to take a seat. As he initiated the device, a sense of trepidation washed over me. His voice broke through the silence, filled with a mix of intrigue and concern. "Something is going on with her," he remarked, his words tinged with uncertainty.

Perplexed, I looked to him for answers, hoping to find clarity in his explanation. His revelation was both astounding and unsettling—there were indications of a dormant power within me, an enigmatic ability that defied categorization. I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of his words, my mind racing with a multitude of questions.

Bruce urged me to focus on something that brought me joy, a simple task that proved fruitless. Disheartened, I attempted to summon emotions of sadness, and to my astonishment, a vision materialized before my eyes. Mia, my beloved sister, appeared before me, her presence both comforting and bittersweet.

Overwhelmed by emotion, I greeted her with tear-filled eyes. "Mia... I miss you," I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur.

Her ethereal voice reached my ears, carrying a sense of longing and affection. "Y/N, I miss you more," she replied, her words enveloping me in a tender embrace.

The tears streamed freely down my cheeks as our bond became momentarily tangible, the weight of her absence lifted, if only for a fleeting moment. However, reality came crashing back, and I pleaded with her not to leave, not to fade away into the void. The thought of losing her again, of forgetting her, filled me with an indescribable anguish.

"Mia, please... don't go away... Please? No one's ever stuck with me for so long before... And if you leave... I... I feel like nothing. If you leave, I just..." My voice broke, my words lost to the void as my heart spilled forth, raw and vulnerable. "I feel better with you. I do. When I look at you, I can feel it again. And I... I look at you, and I'm home. Please... I don't want to go away. I don't want to forget you..."

Mia's reassurances offered a fleeting comfort, a balm to my aching soul. But as quickly as she appeared, she vanished, leaving me yearning for her presence once more.

The weight of the encounter lingered, casting a melancholic shadow over my thoughts. Lost in contemplation, I made my way upstairs, seeking solitude and solace within the confines of my room.

Hours passed as I grappled with the magnitude of what I had experienced. The enigmatic nature of my newfound abilities remained a mystery, entangled with the memories of my sister. Yet, despite the inner turmoil, I yearned to find solace in the arms of my dads.

Descending the stairs once more, I sought refuge in the warm embrace of Steve. I nestled against his chest, finding comfort in his steady heartbeat. Bucky, too, joined us, his gentle touch guiding his fingers through my hair, soothing me with his loving presence.

Together, we sought solace in the embrace of each other's company, finding respite in the simple act of watching a film. Fatigue eventually overcame me, and Steve tenderly carried me to their room, tucking me into the safety of their bed.

In the depths of the night, I awoke, a thirst urging me to quench it. Descending the stairs, I discovered a game of truth or dare in full swing. Unnoticed by the others, I listened as Tony directed a question towards Sharon, curiosity piquing my interest. The inquiry lingered in the air, pregnant with anticipation, as Sharon's words echoed through the room.

Applause greeted my unexpected presence, and Steve questioned my wakefulness. Brushing off his concern, I teasingly replied that I wished to hear what Sharon had to say about me. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I turned away, retreating back upstairs, my heart heavy with the weight of their words.

Sleep eluded me, my mind preoccupied with the events of the night. It was well into the early hours when my dads finally joined me upstairs, their voices hushed with concern. Bucky questioned my wakefulness, bewildered by the late hour, to which I simply confessed, "I couldn't sleep."

Moved by my admission, Steve urged me to come closer, enveloping me in his arms as we sat together. Bucky's soft humming filled the room, a melody that danced on the edge of my consciousness, lulling me back into a peaceful slumber.

In the realm of dreams, I sought refuge, hoping to find respite from the tumultuous emotions that stirred within me. Surrounded by the love of my dads, I allowed myself to surrender to the tranquility of sleep, trusting that within their embrace, I would find solace in the darkest of nights.


Love you chicken nuggets❤️



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