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I awoke abruptly, gasping for air and spitting out water. Blinking rapidly, I found Bucky kneeling in front of me, his face streaked with tears. He embraced me tightly, his voice filled with anguish, "Why did you do that?"

Through choked sobs, I mustered the strength to reply, "Because you forgot me, and it felt like you didn't love me anymore. And Mia... she's gone too." My voice barely audible, I winced as pain surged through my body.

Bucky clung to me even tighter, his tears mingling with mine. He swiftly lifted me into his arms and carried me back inside the compound, my coughs echoing through the halls. All eyes turned to us as he gently laid me down on the couch.

Bruce promptly dialed emergency services, and soon enough, paramedics arrived, conducting tests and assessments. Once they concluded, they departed, leaving me in a state of exhaustion. Attempting to rise from the couch, I was met with blankets draped over me by Bucky's caring hands. I struggled to fight off sleep as he lay down beside me, and in my weakened state, I succumbed to slumber.

Two hours later, I stirred awake and made my way to my room. My eyes fell upon the exchange of text messages between Mia and me, only to realize that her birthday was tomorrow. I tried to divert my thoughts, but it proved challenging. Seeking a distraction, I descended to the training room and practiced for my dance class.

Upon completing my routine, Loki unexpectedly entered the room and offered an apology, saying, "Y/n, I'm really, really sorry for what happened. I never intended to hurt you." I nodded in acknowledgment and embraced him, feeling a sense of forgiveness and understanding envelop us.

After our heartfelt moment, I ventured to the kitchen to quench my thirst. There, I noticed my dads engrossed in a conversation. Tempted to slip away unnoticed, they caught sight of me and beckoned me to join them. As I approached, confusion clouded my mind, and I inquired, "What's wrong?"

Bucky, his voice filled with anguish, screamed, "What's wrong?!" My body flinched involuntarily, and I averted my gaze. Steve interjected sternly, "Look at us when we're talking to you! What's wrong with you? How did you even think of doing this?"

Fear surged through me, tears welled in my eyes, and I bit down on the inside of my mouth. They observed my struggle, their eyes fixed on me, until I could bear it no longer. In a barely audible voice, I whispered, "It's none of your fucking business."

Steve raised his voice, demanding, "What? We can't hear you!" I simply gazed at the floor, turned on my heels, and retreated upstairs to seek solace in the confines of my room.

Within the shower, I sat huddled on the floor, clad only in my sweatpants and bra. The cold water cascaded over me, self-inflicted punishment for my actions. Bucky burst into the bathroom, quickly shutting off the water, and lifted me to my feet. We exchanged my wet clothes for his warm pullover and sweatpants, though they swamped my smaller frame. He then carried me downstairs, cocooned in his arms, until I finally drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Upon awakening, I found myself in the lab, disoriented. Bruce approached me, ready to administer an injection, but my weakened state rendered me powerless to resist. He explained, "Y/n, you fainted, but now you're awake." Nodding in understanding, I glanced around, realizing that all eyes were fixed upon me. Bruce conducted a few tests before granting me permission to leave.

Descending to the living area, I spotted Morgan, still immersed in play. Settling on the couch beside her, I focused on my phone, engrossed in a conversation with Sophia. Morgan, curious about my distraction, drew a picture and asked for my opinion.

Overwhelmed by its beauty, I complimented her, "Wow, that's beautiful." She beamed, suggesting we draw together. I hesitated momentarily, then agreed. "Okay, what should we draw?" I asked. Morgan's face lit up as she exclaimed, "Let's draw our parents!"

Laughter erupted from our lips as we sketched away. Upon completion, we eagerly compared our artwork, appreciating each other's efforts. Smiling, I remarked, "Wow, that's beautiful. Come on, let's show your dad and mom."

Morgan chuckled, dashing toward them with our drawings in hand. Meanwhile, my legs still ached, making it difficult for me to rise. Eventually, I managed to stand, making my way toward Steve and Bucky. However, before I could reach them, Steve's stern voice halted me. "Y/n, we're not done yet!" he exclaimed.

My gaze shifted from Steve to the ground, and in that moment, Morgan wrapped her arms around me tightly. I reciprocated the embrace, overwhelmed with gratitude. With a tender smile, she encouraged, "Y/n, show them your drawing. It's so beautiful!"

Steve interjected, "Okay, but can I see your picture? It's truly stunning." Tears welled in my eyes, and I swiftly made my way upstairs, followed closely by Bucky. Collapsing on the floor, I succumbed to tears, clutching my mouth to stifle any sound that might escape.

Bucky, ever attentive, sat down beside me and gently lifted my chin, his eyes filled with concern. Our gazes locked, and amidst sobs, I managed to utter the fear that plagued me, "Dad doesn't like me, does he?" His expression shifted to shock as he replied, "He loves you more than anything, doll. But he was scared and hurt."

Unbeknownst to us, Steve stood outside the door, having overheard our conversation. I continued crying, and in that moment, Bucky remarked, "But this drawing of me is really nice. I love it!" A feeble chuckle escaped my lips as I clung to him tightly, finding solace in his presence.

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