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Pins POV

It's been almost a year after Coiny found out that we were dating. Even though me and Needle weren't quite ready to tell him, it ended up being one of the best things that could have happened. The three of us went out to the boardwalk a lot over the rest of the summer. When Coiny wasn't on tours with his band, he helped out Needle and I with the bakery. In the winter, Coiny taught Needle and I how to ski, which ended up being really fun. Me and Needle have grown a lot closer over the past year, to the point that the two of us know we will most likely spend our lives together.

Around a week ago, I went to my good friend Leafy's jewelry shop, and bought an engagement ring. Leafy was so excited that I was going to propose to Needle soon, and that "it was obvious since the start that the two of us were meant to be together".

Well, I planned it out, and decided that tonight was going to be the night I propose to her. Tonight I am going to take her to the beach that was next to the boardwalk. We used to hang out there together all of the time in high school, but haven't been there that much since, hopefully she won't be too specious. I'm the most excited and nervous that I've ever been at the same time, I love Needle with all of my heart and I hope that she is ready to accept my proposal.

Later that day

The sun was beginning to set across the beach, perfect. I went to grab Needle to take her to the beach.

"Hey Neezies" I said to her

"What do you want, Pinny Poo"

"Want to go watch the sunset at the beach, it looks pretty tonight". She took a moment to look at the sunset.

"Wow, that looks beautiful, of course I want to go see it at the beach."

"Great, let me go grab my purse, and lets go"

"Okay" She said. So far, so good.

I went to my room and grabbed my purse, and got the black box with the ring in it from the night stand and placed it in my purse.

We headed out to the beach, and the sunset looked like something you might see in the middle of a romance movie.

"I remember the two of us used to hang out here all the time in high school" Needle said

"Yeah, I wish we came here more often." We held hands, and smiled, watching the sun set inch by inch. I knew that right now was the time to make the big move.

"Needle, can I ask you something"

"Pin, what kind of question is that, of course, you can ask me anything."

I took a deep breath, and was ready to pour my heart out.

"Needle I love you so incredibly much. Ever since we became friends in middle school, you were always by my side. We have been through so much together, high school, the bakery, and then us moving in together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you no matter what comes our way." I got down on one knee, and opened the box with the ring on it.

"Needle, will you make me the happiest girl in the world? Will you marry me?"

Needles POV

Tears were streaming down my face when she asked me to marry her. I didn't even have the words to tell her how much I loved her at that moment. She went up to me, and gave me a giant hug. We stood in that position for about another minute. She let go of me, smiling. I smiled back at her, looked at her in the eyes, and said,


At that point, I gave Pin a giant kiss. She immediately kissed back, as we held our arms around each other. At that moment, I thought about our future. All the silly adventures, the laughs, the tears, all with her.

We let go of each other, and she took the ring and slipped it on my finger.

"Come one Pinny Poo, let's go home. We have a life together waiting for us."


Wack. So yeah, looks like I'm making a book now. I don't have an upload schedule right now. Ill let you know if that changes!

- Sunny

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