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Needles POV

Leafy recently went to court as a witness. I didn't come, but I know it must have been rough for her. She is in the process of getting some things set up for a new job, so we've been watching Oak. Oak doesn't know a lot about what's going on, and Leafy wants to keep it that way, which I understand.

"Oak, look, I painted you! "Spindle said, as he showed Oak the picture.

"Spindle, I love it! Here, I drew you too!" It was so cute seeing the two play together. I know that Spindle gets bullied sometimes but I know that he will always have Oak.

Leafy came later to pick up Oak while I took Spindle to dance class. He had a recital coming up, And he was excited. Just seeing Spindle and the rest of his dance class in rehearsal, I knew they were going to do great.

Book came up to me in the viewing area. We have started to talk a lot when the kids were in rehearsal, and she's definitely the person I've grown the most close to as far as the dance parents go.

"So Needle, how are things going for you. "

"Good, although the twins have been driving us crazy, they will never sit still!"

"Trust me, my two youngest are only a year apart, and they never sat still as toddlers. Pillow and I never got any sleep!"

"Oof, well – oh look, it seems like the kids got costumes." I pointed down to the studio and saw all the kids trying on their costumes, everyone had these cute little dresses to wear. They were lavender and had cute little tutus on the bottom.

Well, obviously except for Spindle. We just got a lavender top and shorts. I could see the disappointment in his face when he opened it.

"The poor guy just wants to be like everyone else, aw" book said.

"I know, I feel so helpless, what am I supposed to do when he asks why?"

"Tell him the truth about gender stereotypes, he should know about them so he understands."

"I guess so."

The dance class ended and just as I thought, Spindle started asking me about the costumes.

"Mommy, why can't I wear a dress?"

"Because, Spindle, people think that only girls wear dresses, but you and I both know that is not true."

"I wish I could wear a dress in the recital." When he said that, I know what I had to do as a parent.

"You know what spindle you will be wearing a dress in the recital."


"Yes, there is no way I'm letting your gender determine what you're wearing in the recital".

"What if the teacher says no?"

"Spindle, if they say no, I will make them let you, trust me, you will be wearing a dress in the recital."

"Mommy, Thank you!"

"No problem!"

The next day, spindle went to dress rehearsal, so when he wasn't busy, I went up to the teacher.

"Excuse me". She turned around and looked at me. "Oh hi, My son Spindle doesn't like his costume, and was wondering if he could wear a tutu."

"Him, wearing a dress, ha, you're ridiculous Ms. Sharp. There is no way I'm letting someone as handsome as him wear a dress."

When she said that all the kids backstage and all the parents in the audience turned to us.

"Hey!" I heard someone shout in the audience. turned my head and saw that it was Book. "You have no right to refuse Spindle a dress just because he is a boy."

"Yeah," one of the kids said. "In fact, he might look even handsomer in a dress then in the costume you gave him."

"Give Spindle the dress! Give Spindle the dress!" Everyone in the theater was chanting.

"ALRIGHT! Spindle can wear a dress, but if he gets bullied at school after the recital, don't come crying to me."

"Yay!" Spindle gave me a hug. "And don't worry, I won't come crying to YOU if I get bullied."

Spindle had the recital the next day. Pin came, and Firey and Coiny were amazing and were able to watch the twins. The curtains opened and the kids took the stage in their dresses.

"Awe, Spindle looks so cute in a dress," Pin said.

"I knew he would."

After the recital, I handed Spindle some flowers and he gave Pin and I a giant hug. I noticed some people, most if not all who weren't a part of the studio, started to give Spindle some nasty looks. However, Spindle didn't care. He just held his head up high, and didn't care what anyone else thought.

I will always be so proud of Spindle through all his accomplishments, and I know he won't let anyone get in his way.


Hello. So I got lazy, typing up a chapter is tiring. I'm trying to find some hacks tough, so hopefully, you will be getting some more chapters soon.

- Sunny

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