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(Needle is 7 months pregnant btw)

Pins POV

Needle and I have been getting the house ready for our baby. We decided that he was going to sleep with us for the first few months, then move into his own room when we were ready. Needle and I also made a schedule of when we would each take "the night shift". Needle and I would sleep separately 6 out of 7 days, and then one day a week we would sleep together with the baby.

We've also been buying lots of baby stuff- toys, bottles, clothes, everything you can think of. We've also had to baby prof most of the lower shelves around the house. Needle's also been doing good for the most part. Her baby bump has gotten a lot bigger, and the baby is doing very well. Sometimes, Needle will complain about back pain, but it's usually not too bad.

Speaking of which, I got Needle a surprise massage that should help it. It was a massage specifically for pregnant women.  I went to go get her to tell her about it, it was actually only in a couple of hours.

"Needzies, com over here."

"What is it Pinny"

"Look what I got." I showed her the receipt and she gave me a giant hug.

"Pin, your the best wife ever. Ah, you know exactly what I want."

"Hey, you need it. I'll drop you off then head to the bakery for a bit. I should be back in around an hour."

"Sounds good."

After the massage, Needle looked relaxed.

"Pin, that was amazing. Thanks again."

"Needle, it's the least I can do."

Two months later

Needle and I were on baby watch duty- it could happen any day now. We had our hospital bags packed and were ready to head to the hospital if we needed too. Needles already started to have contractions, but there very light and pretty spread out.

"Hey Pin, want to go on a walk across the boardwalk"

"If your up to it, sure. If you have a contraction, we can always stop and take a breather for a bit." I said to her, making sure she doesn't push herself too hard. 

"Don't worry about it Pin, I'll let you know when we need to stop."

We headed up to the boardwalk. About 10 minutes in, I noticed Needle had stopped.

"Contraction?" I asked. She nodded at me. We continued to walk, then only 6 minutes later, she had another one.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, all good." We continued, then 4 minutes later, she had another one. Now I was starting to get worried.

"Pin, could you do me a favor and start timing these, just in case." I said yes and got out my phone. We were stopping every 4 to 5 minutes, and her contractions had gotten a lot worse, I could tell be just looking at her. 

"Needle, I think we should call it a day. Lets head back home."

We then started to head back home, and eventually made it there. 

"Pin, do you think I'm in labor?" she asked me. 

"I'm not sure, only you would know, but the contractions seem pretty close, it's not out of the question."

"Maybe I'll should try to get some sleep tonight and see what happens." she suggested

"Sounds like a plan. I told her.

At around 1 in the morning, I was woken up to some groans by Needle. I opened my eyes and saw Needle holding her stomach while trying too focus on her breathing. I don't think I've ever seen her in this much pain in her life. 

"Needle, are you good?" I asked her, now I was really worried.

"Pin...I think it's time."


Cliffhanger! What will happen next? Wait I know but you don't muwahahah

- Sunny 

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