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Alfies Pov:

I'm so excited! Thimbie and I's teacher is having us start a project. It is going to be about our timeline of life, starting from when we were born, to where we are now.

"I'm looking forward to the project Alfie, are you," Thimble asked, as we were walking home from school.

"Yeah, and we even get to draw on them!"


Thimble and I got started as soon as we got home.

"Okay, so it says here that we have to know where we were born."

"Do you know where we were born Alife?"

"No, but it was probably at the hospital. Apparently that's where lots of our classmates came out of their mommies tummies."

"You know what, let's ask mama," Thimbie suggested.

'I agree" Thimble and I went to go find out mama, when we saw her in the kitchen making a cake.

"Mama, mama!"

"What is it Alfie, I'm in the middle of something."

"Okay, so Alfie and I are doing a project for school, and we want to know what hospital we were born in." For whatever reason, my MaMa stayed silent.

"So mama, are you telling us or not," I said. I was really curious.

" two werent exactly born in the hospital."

"What, I thought thats where everyone was born," Thimbie said.

"Oh no, people are born in all different places, sometimes in their homes, birthing centers, and all sorts of places?"

"So were we born at our house or a birthing center," I asked.

"No. You guys were an ambulance!"

"I didn't know that people could be born in an ambulance," Thimbie said.

"Yeah...its not exactly usual for people to be born in an ambulance."

"Then why were we born there," I asked.

"You two werent exactly the most patient babies. Mommy and I were out to dinner with uncle Coiny and Firey at a nice restaurant. I was planning to have you guys at the hospital the next day. But you two didn't want to wait till tomorrow. I started to feel some pain in my tummy, and so uncle called the ambulance to come."

"Why didn't you try to keep us in, " Thimbie asked.

"Guys, trust me, I would have had you in the hospital if I could, but I was no match for you guys."

"Was it scary," I asked.

"Of course it was scary. When the people in the ambulance told me that I was going to have to get you guys out, I panicked! Luckily, I had Mommy in the hospital with me, and Uncle Coiny and Firey on the phone, so I stayed calm and had you guys."

"Was it nice to see us for the first time," Thimbie asked?

"It was amazing to see you guys for the first time. I remember when the people in the ambulance let me hold you guys, and Needle and I cried, you two were so cute. They had to make sure that you were okay once we got to the hospital, but once they determined you were healthy, we just got to be with you guys, and that made us all so happy!"

"Wait mama, I have one more question," I asked.

"Yes, what is it Alife?"

"Who was born first?"

" I would have to ask mommy that one, I was so focused on getting you guys out that I didn't even really see your faces until the doctors handed you guys to me, plus I was absolutely exhausted. Hey Needle!"

"What is it Pin?"

"Do you know who was born first between Alfie and Thimbie?"

"It was Thimbie."

"Haha!" Thimble said.

"Well, first is the worst, second is the best," I said.

"Guys, don't start this now, go upstairs and work on your project."

"Okay," I said. The two of us went to our room. "Thimbie Thimbie Thimbie!"


"We're going to be so popular tomorrow after we tell our class we were born in a truc!"


"Yeah, come on, let's finish this up."

The next day.

"You guys were born in the back of a truck," One of our classmates asked.

"Yup, that's what my mama said."

"That's so cool!"

"Oh puh-lease. They're lying, I don't believe them," another one of our classmates said."

"Well, we were, so shut up," Thimbie said.

"Thimbie, don't say that. But Bree, don't be so mean, you have to trust what there mama said to them."

"But my mommy said that people are born in the hospitals," Bree said.

"They are, but some people are born in different places, you just need to open up about it. Thank you for sharing your project you two!"

"No problem." It was a lot of fun learning about our birth story, and now I understand how strong my mama is.


Welcome to Togethor we Are Tuseday (but on a Thursday). This chapter wasnt really my favorite. I havent been felling to gratest for the last few days, but oh well, glad to have this done. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and Ill see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

Together We Are (a BFB Pin x Needle Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora