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Pins POV:

Spindle is around 5 months old now. He has grown a lot since he was first born, it's crazy! Recently, we moved him into his nursery, and Needle and I are sleeping together 7 days a week again. As of now, he has started teething, which means sometimes he'll cry, and there's nothing Needle or I can do about it. It must hurt him to have all of his teeth growing in at once! We gave him little toys to chew on, and he seems to enjoy them a lot.

Spindle is currently on his little mat on the floor right now, Needle and I were keeping a close eye on him, of course. He was chewing on some of his toys. He has also learned how to balance on his arms and legs. We're also going to start feeding him his first solid foods later today. Spindle has been such a joy to have in our lives, and we wouldn't want it any other way!

"Spindi, time for lunch. We're gonna try some big boy food today!' I was excited to feed him. I put him down in his little high chair, and we prepared some baby food for him.

"Oh, carrot flavor, you're gonna love it little Spindle!" Needle said.

"Here comes the car into the tunnel, " I said to him, trying to make it as fun for him as possible. Immediately, he opened his mouth, and ate a whole bite of the food.

"Awe, look at him go. He must have really wanted it, huh," Needle said. All the sudden, we both get a text from Coiny.

Coiny: Hey girls, wanna meet up at the boardwalk today to take a walk. I actually want you two to meet someone!

I wrote him back. Wonder who he wants us to meet.

Me: Of course, does 6 work for you. Its right after Spindles nap time, so hopefully, he wont be too tired.

Coiny: 6 works for us, see you at the normal spot then!

This is going to be the first time that Spindle is going to see Coiny since when we were at the hospital. He's already grown up so much! I'm excited to see Coiny today!

"Needle, do you have any idea who Coiny wants us to meet?" I asked Needle.

"No clue, maybe one of his band mates or something? Besides us and them I don't know that he hangs out with many other people."

Six o'clock rolled around, and we put Spindle in his little stroller. We headed out to the boardwalk and meet up with Coiny at our normal bench. Sitting next to him was another person around his age, I think I've seen him around before.

"Hey Coinster" I said.

"Sup Girls." Coiny said. "Can I see little spindle?" I showed him in his little stroller. "Hey little dude, hows it going, wow you got so big, hopefully your mama's are taking good care of you."

"Yeah, Pin fed him his first baby food today. He ate it like a champ," Needle said.

"Oh did he, you little Spindle, you're getting to be such a big boy!" Coiny said, cutlery.

"So girls, this is Firey, you might recognize him, he went to school with us, and is one of my band mates!" Coiny said.

"Firey, this is Pin and her wife Needle, and this is their son, Spindle," he introduced him to us.

"Hi girls, and Spindle, nice to see you." Fiery said.

"Its nice to see you too," I said back to him. "So what brings you here, Fiery"

"Well, Coiny and I have been band mates for the last three years, as you know, and, Coiny do you want to tell them," Fiery said, Coiny nodded.

"Well, girls, around a month ago...Firey and I started dating!" He said. I'm so happy for Coiny!

"Oh, congrats you two!" I said to them.

"Thanks, it means a lot that we know that you two will always support us," Coiny said. I smiled back at him.

"Wanna go get some ice cream," Needle suggested.

"I would love that!" I said. Me, Coiny, and Needle took Firey to our favorite ice cream spot, while Needle was pushing Spindle in his stroller. When we got their, we all got cheery dipped cones.

"Oh my gosh guys, these are amazing," Firey said. "Never bothered trying them from here before, but now Ill continue to get these, knew favorite flavor!"

"Well, I'm glad you like them. Me, Coiny, and Needle got these all the time during the summer!" Firey got a text on his phone.

"Oh, I got to go help my sister with something, see you guys around."

"Bye" we all said.

"Hey girls, you two have really inspired me, you know that" Coiny said.

"What do you mean, Coiny?" Needle asked him.

"Well, its just, ever since you two started dating, I started questioning my sexuality a bit. And, you two made me realize that being queer is ok. And, well, I looked into it, and found out that I'm pansexual!"

"Well, I'm glad that we helped you find yourself. I remember when I found out that I liked girls, I was supper weirded out by it, but then I realized that it's totally normal. And, just look at where I am now." I gestured to Needle and Spindle.

"Again, thank you so much girls, I don't know where I would be without you," Coiny said, as he gave us a hug.

"No problem-" I was cut off by Spindle crying. "Uh Oh, looks like this little guy is getting cranky, I guess its time for us to go home"

"Okay, see you two around!"

"Bye Coiny!"


Coiny no longer single. And Spindle is being a good baby. I can't wait for whats in store for everyone, so stay tuned!

- Sunny

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