I'm thinking about leaving Wattpad, here is why

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Hey y'all,

As you saw in the title, I don't know if I want to be on Wattpad anymore.

I know this might seem sudden, trust me, it feels sudden for me to, but there have been some events in the OSC that have led me to think about this decision.

Basically, if you haven't heard already, certain OSC creators have publicly stated that there have been people sending them NSFW artwork of their characters, causing said creators discomfort. The creators also are having to take breaks from their fandoms due to this.

It's honestly disgusting that people would do this. NSFW in the OSC has always existed, but as of recently, it's slowly starting to become a problem in this community.

I'm so grateful that I'm seeing people from different social media apps speak out about this issue and try to spread awareness as much as possible!

However...this platform is a different story. For as long as I can remember, Wattpad has been filled with a large amount of NSFW fanfics and art. I'm not saying that other platforms don't have NSFW content, but Wattpad definitely has the most of it.

The other thing about Wattpad is that it's also easily accessible to minors, heck, I'm sure that some of the people that are making some of this content are minors themselves. Sure, you can put an 18+ warning on you story, but are people really going to listen to that? I'll be the first to say that I've seen some pretty fucked up stuff on this app, and I wish I could have never seen it, and hope that other people don't have these same regrets.

Look, I know that a lot of NSFW creators don't mean any harm, and are just doing it for fun. However, if any NSFW creators are reading this right now, I encourage you to think about what your doing for a bit. You may not know it, but even just a simple google search can display your work to them, even if they don't intend to see it, and it can really, really, fuck up minors (or even other people for that matter) if they are exposed to your work. Also, I know there are certain creators that are uncomfortable with people making NSFW art of their characters. If you know they are, and have artwork or fanfics of them, please, stop what your doing, and please take all artwork and stories of those characters down.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm being exposed to this type of content left and right on this app. Every time I want to discover a new story or check out artwork, I always feel prepared to see something I don't want to get exposed to, and I just don't want to keep living like that. For me personally, being surrounded by this content isn't good for my overall well being, and it might be time for me to part ways with Wattpad.

While the decision isn't confirmed, I'm really considering it. If I do choose to leave, I'll either move TWA to another app, or unfortunately, I might just cancel it. I love working on TWA, but I want to start doing more content for the OSC, and even start to work on more shows and projects. I'm thankful to have a large audience on TikTok, and I am slowly gaining a bigger audience on YouTube by the, which I'm extremely thankful for. I want to keep growing with theese projects to build a bigger presence in the community. However, with TWA, I don't really feel like I'm reaching enough people for me to feel like it has a purpose, especially in an environment like Wattpad. Add my slowly declining motivation for writing, and I think you guys get the point. I'm not definitely canceling it, but it's looking like a considerable option.

To the dedicated audience that I have here, thank you, thank you so much for reading this book! You guys are superstars and I'm so glad you stuck around with me for this long! I'm usually not the one to make posts like this but I feel like I didn't have much of a choice. I'll let you know what decision I come to as soon as possible.

- Sunny

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