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Chapter 11:

Needles POV

Spindle is around 11 months old now, and has grown up before our eyes. He started to crawl, and has even been able to sit up on his own. He also loves to play with his toys a lot. Pin was playing with him, and everything seemed to be normal, until I hear Pin shout,

"NEEDLE NEEDLE NEEDLE, Oh my GOSH, you will not BELIEVE what Spindle just did!" Uh oh, I hope he's ok. "Spindi, do it again, do it again!"

"Ma Ma" I heard him say, while looking directly at Pin.

"Awe" We both said.

"I can't believe it, now he can say 'ma ma' to us, hes going to be walking before we know it!"

I said, half crying at this point.

"Hey Needle"


"Don't we have that reservation tonight,"

"Oh my, yes, I totally forgot about that! Uh, great, its either we cancel or we have to find someone to watch him, I don't think it would be a good idea to bring him there."

"I agree-" Pin was cut off by Coiny calling me.


"Hey Needle, whats up?"

"Nothing much, how about you?"

"Well, I'll tell you, is Pin with you"

"Yeah," Pin said.

"Awsome, well, girls, it's official!"

"What is?" I asked.

"As of last night, Firey and I are engaged!"

"Oh my, congrats!"

"Thanks Needle!"

"Hey Coiny" Pin asked


"Do you happen to be free tonight?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, Needle and I just remembered that we made a dinner reservation at a place we've wanted to go for a while, and we have no one to watch Spindle."

"Oh, you want me to come over, yeah I'd be totally down for it! I would love to hang out with the little guy."

"Great, can you be over by 7?" I asked.

"Of course, hey, can Firey come over too?"

"Absolutely, see you two at 7!"

"Bye". We hung up. Guess it worked out.

At 7, we heard a knock on the door, must be them. I opened the door to find Firey and Coiny standing outside.

"Come in guys." I showed them around the house, where the baby formula was, where the diapers were, what to do when he was cranky, and gave them a list with everything on it, just in case they forgot.

"You two have fun, Firey and I will make sure to take care of him!"

"Thank you Coiny and Firey, see you two at 10!"

Coinys POV (oh wow, first non Pin or Needle pov)

Its just me, Firey, and Spindle.

"Hey little Spindle, its Uncle Coiny!" Firey started laughing at me when I said that.

"Uncle Coiny, really," Firey said.

"What, Pin and Needle are like sisters to me!"

"Whatever works for you I guess." Then Spindle started to cry.

"Uh oh, whats up little Spindle, do you want to eat, play with some toys, take a-" I was cut off by seeing Spindles diaper getting a saggy. "Well, looks like I have to change that." I grabbed a diaper and took Spindle to the changing table. After he was done, we brought him back to the living room so he could play with Firey and I. We had a fun game going, where Firey or I would build a tower, and Spindle would knock it down. Spindle laughed when he knocked over the towers.

Pin and Needle are lucky to have a kid as awesome as Spindle. He is such a fun kid to play with, and I'm glad that Pin and Needle can trust me and Firey to watch him.

At around 9, Spindle started to get tired. Firey managed to rock him to sleep while we both sang to him. We put him down in his crib for the night and headed to the living room to watch some TV. I started to just think about life. I haven't told anyone this, not even Firey, but a big reason of why I was looking forward to watching Spindle was because...I was thinking about a child of our own. I want to start a family with Firey after we get married, but never really told anyone about it. I decided at that moment that I need to talk with Firey about it.

"Hey babe"

"Yeah," he said. Here it goes.

"What do want to do after we get married?"

"You know, I haven't been thinking about it too much to be honest, have you?"

"Well, after seeing how happy Pin and Needle are, and watching Spindle, I, well, kinda want to start a family with you," I told him.

"You...really want to do that, because that sounds really cool."

"It's just, it might get harder to do things with the band and all, and, I'm not sure how it's going to effect us in the future-"

"Coiny, listen to me. Everything is going to happen as it should, it's just, we have to let life play out, and see where it takes us!" When Firey said that, I gave him a hug.

"This is why I love you so much dude." As I said that, we heard a knock on the door. We opened it, and it was Pin and Needle.

"So, how was babysitting, you two." Pin asked us.

"It went great, Spindle was amazing!"

"That's good to hear. Have a nice night you guys!"

"Bye Needle, Bye Pin!"

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