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Needles POV

I went out with Pin, Book, Leafy, and Pillow, and we all went bowling. I hadn't gone bowling in a while, so this was hopefully going to be fun.

We went up to the register to get our bowling shoes. We got a lane, and all put in our names on the scoreboard.

"Okay Pillow, looks like your up first," I said. Pillow ended up knocking down 2 pins her first bowl, and 3 the second.

"Nice job Pillow," Book said.

Next it was Books turn, and she got a spare. Evryone was cheering for her. Next was my turn, and, well, I may or may not have double gutterted it.

"Yeah Needle," Pin sarcastically cheered for me.

"Oh just wait till it happens to you." Pin went and she ended up getting a strike! Lucky!

"Remember guys, it's only the beginning of the game," Leafy said. She was right, I could still make a comeback.

Leafy eneded up bowling 7 pins, then 2.

"Good job leafs," I said to her. When Pillow bowled again, the rest of us looked over the menu.

"Oh, the bruccle sports look good, maybe we should get those for the table," Book said.

"Hey, could we maybe not, they have peanuts in them, and, well, I'm allergic," Pin said.

"Oh, I never knew that," Leafy said.

"Well, neither did I until about a week ago, when I got anaphylaxis from eating a peanut butter chocolate cake Needle made. It was scary! I'm so thankful Spindle was in the house, so she called to ambulance."

"How brave of her," Pillow said. "Also, it your turn to bowl Book."

"Boy, anaphylaxis is no joke, I remember a freind of mine had it once at a business meeting, she almost died," Leafy said.

"I know, I immediately came home once Spindle called me."

"Pin, your turn, Book said."

"Well, glad to hear evrything was okay," Leafy said. "How are the kiddos doing by the way."

"Good, the twins are being crazy, as usual. As for Spindle, she's really happy! She just started hormone blockers!"

"Awe, that's amazing! I remember Oak bringing it up, but I kinda forgot about it."

Pin came back from bowling with a look of disappointment on her face I looked at the scoreboard, and she got a double gutter.

"Guess your strike streak didn't last long, did it," I said to her.

"Oh be quiet Needle."

We ended up getting our food after a few more rounds, and made sure absolutely mothig had peanuts in it. Pin has started to get a bit more comfortable eating out; she was very scared after her reaction, and I don't blame her. But, she trusts that the kitchen staff will avoid the peanuts.

"Yum, this burger is amazing," Pillow said!

"So is my salad," Book said. We all got back to bowling after a bit. It was my turn, and I finally got a strike! Everyone was cheering for me!

"That was a good one," Leafy said. Pin got 8 between her two rools.

It eventually got to the last rools. We were all close to eachother.

"Wow, this is going to be interesting," Pin said.

We all watched eachother do our final rools. Pillow ended il getting a 9, putting her 5 points abound Pin and I, 6 points above Book, and. 7 above Leafy.

Book also got a 9 on her final roll. Then, it was Pins turn. She ended up getting a 2, not enough to win. Then it was me. I stayed focused, and made sure I did well, I also needed 9 to win.

My first roll happened, and I knocked over three pins. I had a chance to win. I really tried to knock the rest of the Pins down, but I only got 8 of them down.

Leafy also didn't get enough pins to win, so Book eneded up winning the game. We all then went to the arcade to play some games. Since Boom won, we all had to pay up and get her a card.

Once we all got our cards, we stated to play some games.

"Hey Needle, wanna play a round of ski ball with me," Leafy asked.

"Of course!" Leafy and I went to the ski ball area and started playing.

"Wow Neelde, you're good at this!"

"Thanks, although, I don't try to hard to do well on it."

"But you are anyway."

After we finished up playing, we went over to see Pin playing Jumpin Javkpot, and she was getting serious.

"Uhh, I can't get past this one stupid level," Pin said.

"Babe, try not to get to heated over a video game," I said.

"You're right Needle, thank you." She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I blushed a little. I turned around to see that Leafy was playing a game with Book and Pillow.

"Wanna go play down the clown with me," I asked.

"Sure!" We eneded up winning the jackpot for that game, which was around 350 tickets.

"Nice one," Pillow said.

"Thanks," Pin said.

We went to go find evryone else, when we saw Book and Leafy playing a game of basketball connect four. By the looks of it, it seems like Leafy won.

After a bit, we went to go cash in out tickets, and I had the most.

"Well, I win the next best thing," I said.

"Good for you I guess," Pin said.

"Pin, you did great," I gave her a kiss to make her feel better.

"Yeah, I needed that. Thanks!"

"Uh, Pin, Needle, pick out your prizes already," Pillow said. We ended up getting a lot of candy for the kids, they will probably eat it all in like a day.

"It was fun hanging out with each other today," Book said.

"I agree," Leafy said. "We should do it again sometime."

"Well, until then; bye guys," Pin said.

"Bye!" We said our goodbyes and we all went our separate ways.

Sorry for the delay, happy Together we Are Tuesday (but on a Thursday!). This chapter was okay IMO, not my best. But I have lots of future chapters for you all, so as always, see you in the next chapter!

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