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Spindles POV

Today was my first day of second grade. Oak and I were excited to find out that we were in the same class. I took my pink backpack with all my things, got into my parents car, and got dropped off. Someone showed me to my classroom. I took a seat next to Oak, who had already come to my class.

"Hi Spindle!"

"Hi Oak, is your arm okay?" It had been about a month since she broke her wrist.

"It doesn't hurt as much anymore, and I should get my cast off next week. However, I still can't do gymnastics for a bit."

"Oh, that stinks, are you excited for second grade?"

"Yeah, I hear that this year, we get to sing at a concert!"


"Yeah, and –"

"Well well well, looks like I have princess boy in the same class as me." It was Plank. In first grade, thankfully, he wasn't in my class, but now I have to deal with them every day. "Oh, looks like princess boy got a friend now." I give up, I have no idea what to do with him.

"Hey, leave Spindle alone!" Oak said.

"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it." Plank responded. This made Oak mad, she took her arm that was in the cast and gave plank a punch in the face. The whole class looked at her and were shocked. Then, at that moment, the teacher walked in the room.

"What is this!" He shouted.

"She punched me in the face for no reason!" Plank said.

"You, unacceptable,"he said, pointing to Oak. "Go to the principal's office, now!"

"Okay." Oak out of her seat.

"Sir you don't -"

"I don't want to hear it. Your friend punched another kid in the face, please, there's no point in standing up for her." I didn't want to get in trouble, so I stayed silent.

We did some "get to know you" games, but I didn't focus on those. All I thought about was Oak. I can't believe she stood up for me like that! She even got into trouble, all for me! Oak is my best friend ever, but she didn't have to do all of this! After school, my mom took me over to Oaks house. Leafy let me in, and I went into Oaks room.


"Hmm?" she said.

"Why did you do that for me?"

"Because I had to Spindle!"

"You could've gotten into so much trouble, you are lucky you are grounded right now!"

"Spindle, Plank was bullying you, I couldn't let him do that. You should be able to do what you love without getting bullied for it. Plank had to learn a lesson."

"Oak... I can't thank you enough! I don't know if I can repay you."

"Spindle, you don't have to repay me, it was just the right thing to do."

"Well, maybe right is a strong word, but yeah, hopefully plank doesn't mess with us again."

"Agreed, want to go play princess?"

"Yay!" We got on our dresses and sat down at the table for a tea party.

"Princess Evergreen, would you pass me the sugar?"

"Of course princess Sharp." We had fun with that. Oak is so lucky she can play princess and not get made fun of. She's so lucky to be a girl, I'm kind of jealous.

"Spindle, do you want to grab a snack?" OK asked me.

"Sure." Leafy got us popcorn to eat, And we went back to Oaks' room.

"Oh no," Oak said.


"Planks gonna beat us up tomorrow!"

"He won't, and if he does, I'll punch him real hard. I'll make sure a teacher sees it too."

"You would really do that Spindle?"

"Of course, after all you, you did kind of save me."

"Spindle, you are the bestest friend ever!"

"Of course Oak, you are my bestest friend ever."

"Spindle, your Ma Ma is here!" Leafy said.

"OK, bye Oak!"

"Bye Spindle!" I went outside and got into the car.

"Spindle, I meant to ask you earlier, but how was your day?" My Mama asked.

"Planks in my class," I said to her.

"Oh, I hate that kid, did he say anything mean to you?"

"He called me princess boy!" My mom hasn't started to get angry.

"I'm telling you when I see that kid again, I'm going to punch him in the face."

"Oak beat you to it." I said.

"Wait, really"

"Yep, and of course she got in trouble for it."

"Wow, you and Oak must be great friends then."

"Yep, were each other's bestest friend in the world," I said. "But sometimes, it's not fair!"

"What isn't fair."

"Oak gets to walk around school with a princess backpack and not get bullied, and meanwhile, when I do it, Plank comes for me!"

"Spindle... Life isn't always fair. I think you should be able to walk around with a princess backpack, but there are people like Plank in the world that don't like it when you do that."

"But why me! Why can't it be Oak, not like I want her to get bullied or anything like that."

"Because... Spindle... You're a boy!"

"What does being a boy have to do with anything!"

"Because, in this world, people think they're only girls like princess backpacks, but I know for a fact that boys Can to!"

"But Mama, why! Why did I think that!"

"Spindle, I don't know why... That's just the way it's always been!"

"I mean... Then what are boys supposed to like?"

"People think that boys like cars, superheroes, sports, and much more. But you don't have to like any of those things!"

"I know mom, I hate those things. I like what girls like."

"Spindle, you know it doesn't matter what other people think, just do you!" I know my mom says to not care what other people think, but I can't help it! People like Plank will call me princess boy forever, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Sometimes I just wish I were a girl.


Hello! So I really like this chapter, so that's good! Also, text-to-speech was nice to me today, so I was able to get this chapter typed relatively quickly. I don't have much else to say about this one, so stay tuned for the next chapter!

- Sunny

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